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Home27 Edition | Short Films Asserting Women´s Rights Antes de que se poña o Sol

Antes de que se poña o Sol
(Antes de que se ponga el Sol)

Nani Matos


Day 04 at 17:00 - Centro Cultural Mª Victoria Atencia

Free entry with an invitation to pick up at Area de Igualdad.


PRODUCTION Campusinus in Albis, Zinemusik Producciones
WRITING Nani Matos
MUSIC Manú Conde
EDITION Juan C. Trimero, Nani Matos
CAST Mela Casal, Sabela Rodríguez, Teté García, Xosé M. Esperante, Victoria Teijeiro, Nani Matos, Machi Salgado
DISTRIBUTION MMS, Distribución de Cortometrajes
INTERNATIONAL SALES MMS, Distribución de Cortometrajes
SYNOPSIS At a family meeting, four siblings have to make a decision, but not everyone agrees.
Nani Matos 1966. Spain. Actor, scriptwriter, and director. He wrote and directed the short films Dies Dei in 2009, Flowers for Amalia in 2013, and Lurna in 2016, winning more than 200 national and international selections and nearly 50 awards. Lurna is his most awarded short film and was selected in more than 25 countries. It won, among others, the award for best short film in festivals such as the Insurgent Film Festival Cinepó in Brasil, Camaiore Film Festival in Italy, Festival For Equality and Against Racism in Spain. He is currently dedicated to writing several projects and acting. FILMOGRAPHY Antes de que se poña o Sol (short film, 2023), Lurna (short film, 2016), Flores para Amalia (short film, 2013)

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