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Javier Fesser


Day 04 at 10:00 - Teatro Cervantes

Activity only available for groups


CAST Elisa Hipólito, Sergio Olmo, Brianeitor, Juan Margallo, Jesús Vidal, Gloria Ramos, Fran Fuentes, Jesús Lago, José de Luna, Alberto Nieto, Roberto Chinchilla, Stefan López, Sergio Olmos, Jelen García, Claudia Fesser
SYNOPSIS The new coach of the Los Amigos team, inexperienced but optimistic, commits to fulfilling Julio's dream of getting the team back together. The astonishing concatenation of misfortunes that seem to be associated with Cecilia's arrival does not manage to curb the enthusiasm of Los Amigos, nor that of their coach who, despite the difficulties she has to face, convinces the players that change basketball for athletics. A new calamity will lead them, against all odds, to participate in an international eSports tournament, followed around the world by millions of spectators.
Javier Fesser Madrid, 1964. He is a storyteller and thirty years ago he was lucky enough to find in cinema the most appropriate language to do so. From advertising spots, short films, television programs or miniseries for the Internet, to the feature films that he has written and directed to date, he always tries to reflect his particular vision of life and the characters that inhabit it in a very personal way, with humor and tenderness. FILMOGRAPHY Historias lamentables (feature film, 2020), El monstruo invisible (feature film, 2019), Campeones (feature film, 2018), Bienvenidos (feature film, 2015), Mortadelo y Filemón contra Jimmy el Cachondo (feature film, 2014), Camino (feature film, 2008), Binta y la gran idea (feature film, 2004), La gran aventura de Mortadelo y Filemón (feature film, 2003), El milagro de P. Tinto (feature film, 1998), El secdleto de la tlompeta (feature film, 1996), Aquel ritmillo (feature film, 1994)

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