Day 21 at 22:00 - Cine Albéniz - Sala 2
Day 21 at 16:00 - Cine Albéniz - Sala 3
Mireia Labazuy, Àlex Serra, Clàudia Vila, Eva Picazo, Carla Sánchez, and Miquel Roig are the collective of emerging creators who conceived, wrote, and directed Dies d’estiu i de pluja, selected for D'A Film Lab and C EU Soon at the MIA Market. Before developing their first feature film, they collaborated on the short film Últim dia d’estiu (2021, Àlex Serra and Ariadna Ulldemolins), which premiered at FEST-New Directors. The six members of the collective, who met at Universitat Pompeu Fabra, came together to direct, write, and produce their debut film. 'Espurna'—the Catalan word for spark—represents a fleeting yet meaningful flash, a symbol of life and momentum: small particles that briefly illuminate but leave a lasting mark. This is how they understand and create cinema.
FILMOGRAPHY Últim dia d'estiu (short film, 2021)