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History of previous editions of the Malaga Festival

15 Edition

21 to 28 April 2012

Throughout the years, the Malaga Festival has served as a platform to introduce new filmmakers and interpreters of our cinema. During the fifteenth edition of the contest, the public had the opportunity to discover at the same time the acting talent of Carmina Barrios and the solvency as a director of the actor Paco León, responsible for the film ‘Carmina o reventa&rsquo ;, the great revelation of this year. This unique comedy grouped together the Jury Prize, the Public Prize and the Best Actress Award for León's mother in her first work in front of the cameras.   

The Golden Biznaga of the list of winners went to ‘Els nens salvatges’ (Los niños salvajes), directed by Patricia Ferreira, who also received a prize. The awards for Best Screenplay, Best Supporting Actress (Aina Clotet) and Best Supporting Actor went to Álex Monner, although in this case ‘ex aequo’ with Álvaro Cervantes, from ‘The Sex of the Angels’. Imanol Uribe took the prize. the best director award for ‘Orange Honey’, while ‘A cold door’ received the award for best actor (Antonio Dechent) and the Critics' Award.

Actress Elena Anaya received an honorary award. the Málaga Award for his extensive and successful professional career and the composer Roque Baños, responsible for the music for films such as ‘Celda 211’, ‘Alatriste’, ‘Las 13 rosas’ or ‘The Oxford Crimes’, was distinguished with the Ricardo Franco Award. The filmmaker Jaime Chávarri starred in the film. the retrospective of the fifteenth Festival of Málaga, which awarded prizes. the Eloy de la Iglesia Award to director Cesc Gay.

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Francis Lorenzo y Ana Fernández fueron los presentadores de la gala inaugural de la decimoquinta edición del certamen malagueño 

José Coronado y Hugo Silva posan durante la presentación de ‘El cuerpo’, de Oriol Paulo 

Rueda de prensa de la película ‘Tengo ganas de ti’, cinta de Fernando González Molina protagonizada por Clara Lago y Mario Casas y cuyo guion firma el malagueño Ramón Salazar 

Paco León posa ante los fotógrafos de la alfombra roja 

María León, Carmina Barrios y Paco León se besan en el photocall de la película ‘Carmina o revienta’ 

El compositor Roque Baños recibió el Premio Ricardo Franco de manos de Álex de la Iglesia 

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