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History of previous editions of the Malaga Festival

8 Edition

22 to 30 April 2005

Young established directors and filmmakers met again in the competition at the Málaga Festival in its eighth edition, inaugurated by the film ‘Hormigas en la boca’, by Mariano Barroso, which was awarded the Jury's Biznaga and Best Actor for its leading man, Eduard Fernández.

‘Tapas’, José Corbacho and Juan Cruz, was the film that received the most awards. In addition to winning the Biznaga de oro, this social comedy received a prize. the Audience Award and the Best Actress Award for Elvira Mínguez. After its success at the Málaga Festival, the feature film was very well received in theaters and gained popularity. Winning two Goyas for which he opted: Best New Director (Corbacho and Cruz) and Best Supporting Actress (Mínguez).

The best director award went to Gerardo Herrero for ‘Heroñina’, a film about drug addiction set in Galicia in the eighties. This film also received praise. the award for best screenplay, signed by Ángeles González Sinde. The musical comedy ‘20 centimetros’, the second feature film signed by Ramón Salazar from Málaga after ‘Piedras’, received a prize. the awards for best music, best makeup and the Critics' Award. The other musical that this year attended the The competition, ‘El calentito’, by director Chus Gutiérrez, also won the prizes for best photography and best newcomer for Nuria González.

Actress Verónica Forqué received the Málaga Prize of the eighth edition of the contest, which was awarded by the the Ricardo Franco Award to the filmmaker Gerardo Vera and his retrospective to the cinema of Carlos Saura.

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El Festival de Málaga estrenó en su octava edición el galardón a la Película de Oro, que fue para ‘El Verdugo' (1963). Su director, Luis García Berlanga, estuvo acompañado por algunos de los intérpretes como José Luis Coll y José José Sazatornil 

El Premio Ricardo Franco fue concedido al cineasta Gerardo Vera 

El Festival de Cine se vive en todos los rincones de la ciudad. En la imagen, los malagueños Pedro Temboury y Lucio Romero posan junto a José Sazatornil 

La rueda de prensa de ‘Diario de un skin’ contó con la presencia de su director, Jacobo Rispa, y varios de sus protagonistas, entre ellos Ginés García Millán, Macarena Gómez y Juana Acosta 

Carlos Saura, cuyo trabajo fue objeto del Premio Retrospectiva, también protagonizó la exposición de fotografías ‘Carlos Saura: fotógrafo y cineasta’. El realizador acompañó al alcalde, Francisco de la Torre, durante su visita a la muestra 

La alfombra roja del octavo Festival de Málaga acaparó la atención de los admiradores del cine y los medios de comunicación 

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