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History of previous editions of the Malaga Festival

9 Edition

17 to 25 March 2006

A clear example of how the Malaga Festival had positioned itself as an accurate platform for the new talents of our cinema occurred after the premiere of ‘AzulOscuroCasiNegro’ in the Official Section of the ninth edition of the contest. Daniel Sánchez Arévalo's feature film debut was quite an event for Spanish cinema, which discovered in Málaga the good work of a filmmaker with a deep and very personal look.

The film, which won prizes from the jury, the critics and the one for best screenplay, signed by Sánchez Arévalo himself, was nominated for six Goya Awards, winning those for best director. Novel, Best Leading Actress (Marta Etura), Best New Actor (Quim Gutiérrez) and Best Supporting Actor, who received a nomination. Antonio de la Torre from Malaga.

This year's Biznaga de oro went to ‘Los aires díciles’, adaptation of the novel by Almudena Grandes signed by Gerardo Herrero, while ‘La dama boba’, by Manuel Iborra, won four awards: best actress (Silvia Abascal), best supporting actor (Roberto San Martín), best supporting actress (Macarena Gómez) and best costumes, for designer Lorenzo Caprile.

Juan Diego won the Silver Biznaga for best actor for his work in the films ‘El triunfo’, by Mireia Ros, and ‘Remake’, by Roger Gual. And the film ‘Un franco, 14 pesetas’, with which the actor Carlos Iglesias began his career. the steps of him in the direction, harvested the the Audience Award and those for best photography and script.

The mythical screenwriter Rafael Azcona, a capital figure of our cinema, received an award. the Ricardo Franco Award at the ninth edition of the Malaga Festival, which dedicated the retrospective to Fernando Colomo and awarded the the Málaga Award for the fundamental cinematographic career of Ana Belén.

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El Teatro Cervantes, engalanado para la ocasión, volvía a dar cabida a los principales actos del certamen 

Unos divertidos Fernando Tejeros y Anabel Alonso se encargaron de conducir la ceremonia de clausura del 9 Festival de Málaga 

Foto del equipo de la película ‘AzulOscuroCasiNegro’, debut en el largometraje de Daniel Sánchez Arévalo protagonizado por Raúl Arévalo, Marta Etura, el malagueño Antonio de la Torre, Eva Pallarés y Héctor Colomé, entre otros 

El mítico guionista Rafael Azcona, figura capital de nuestro cine, recibió el Premio Ricardo Franco de la novena edición del Festival de Málaga 

Foto del equipo artístico de la película ‘La bicicleta’, de Sigfrid Monleón, con Pilar Bardem, Bárbara Lennie, Javier Pereira y Carlos Bardem, entre otros 

Ana Belén recibió el Premio Málaga de la novena edición del Festival de Málaga, galardón destinado a reconocer la trayectoria cinematográfica de la actriz 

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