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J.A Villalobos


PRODUCTION Guainot Produce, Elamedia Estudios
WRITING J.A Villalobos
CINEMATOGRAPHY Nicole J. Gallo, David Serón
MUSIC J.A Villalobos
EDITION J.A Villalobos
CAST Mabel del Pozo, Pau Cólera, Ainhoa Larrañaga, Fran Cantos
DISTRIBUTION Yaq Distribución
SYNOPSIS In the middle of the night, a stranger knocks on the door of the house asking for help. The couple that resides inside will have to choose whether or not to open the door.
J.A Villalobos Multi-faceted artist who has always moved between scoring soundtracks and creating stories. He has lived in Los Angeles for 14 years. As a screenwriter and director, he directed his first short film Ignora, starring Alvaro Morte. Years later, his short film Wings participated in the Official Selection at the Tribeca Film Festival. In addition, it inaugurated the Recent Spanish Film Festival in Los Angeles and participated in at least 50 short film festivals, being awarded in some of them for best short film, best director, and best photography. With his production company Mediagrama, he produces the films Impávido, The Magnetic Tree, and The Wind Island. As a composer, his collaboration with Alberto Iglesias in The Kite Runner, was nominated for an Oscar, best original score. FILMOGRAPHY Ignora (short film, 2028)

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