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Devenir rosa

Valeri Milushka Hernani Valderrama


Day 01 at 21:00 - Sala de Turismo y Deporte de Andalucía


PRODUCTION Corre Beckett Corre
WRITING Valeri Milushka Hernani Valderrama
CINEMATOGRAPHY Valeri Hernani, Natalie Hernani
MUSIC Joaquín Portocarrero, Luis Vasquéz
EDITION Dafne Estrada, Valeri Hernani
CAST Rosa Álvarez, Valeria Valderrama, Valeri Hernani, Kurt Hernani, Natalie Hernani, Victor Hernani
SYNOPSIS In the new daily life between Valeri and his grandmother Rosa, a dialogue is born between two generations that share more than a last name. Rosa has osteoarthritis in her hip and she can no longer take care of herself. Valeri takes care of her wrinkled skin, her dyed hair, and her fragile memory. Rosa is a mirror of Valeri's body and Valeri's body is a memory of hers. In the minds of both, questions about the past and the future are born, questions that will never be answered by the image or the words.
Valeri Milushka Hernani Valderrama Lima, 1997. She is a filmmaker, playwright, actor trainer, teacher, and researcher of Peruvian cinema. The fiction and documentary short films in which she has participated have been showcased in various festivals across Peru and Latin America. Additionally, she won the National Competition for New Peruvian Playwriting in 2017 by the Peruvian Ministry of Culture with the work En el sótano (In the Basement) and the National Competition for Audiovisual Training by DAFO in 2022. She directs the multidisciplinary research and creation group, Imagen-cuerpo (Image-body), which delves into the use of video and its relationship with the body on stage. FILMOGRAPHY En el nombre de mi madre (short film, 2022)

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