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Operación barrio Inglés

Chiqui Carabante, José Ramón Ayerra, Gonzalo Crespo Gil (showrunner)


Day 03 at 17:00 - Cine Albéniz - Sala 1


PRODUCTION RTVE, Barrio Inglés la Serie AIE, Emociona Media, Onza Entertainment
WRITING Manuel Ríos, Victoria dal Vera, José Ortuño, Tatiana Rodríguez
CINEMATOGRAPHY Dani Saló, Alejandro Espadero
MUSIC Pablo Cervantes
EDITION Santi Alvarado, Ibon Zulueta
CAST Aria Bedmar, Peter Vives, Rubén Cortada, Paco Tous, Yan Tual, Stefan Weinert, María Morales, Frank Feys, Sue Flack, Kimberley Tell, Almagro San Miguel, Chiqui Fernández, Beatriz Arjona, Craig Stevenson, Marco Cáceres, Aïda Ballmann, Kevin Brand, Silvia Hannemann, Edu Rejón, Gregor Acuña-Pohl, José Luis Rasero, Fran Cantos, Juan Gea
SYNOPSIS At the beginning of the Second World War, Huelva is a nest of spies. Lucía, a young woman living in the English Quarter, starts working as a secretary in the British mining company Riotinto. Her fiancé, Francisco, is the government delegate in Huelva. Lucía becomes a spy and falls in love with Peter, the manager of the company, with whom she will carry out a series of missions to stop the German advance that could change the course of the war.
Chiqui Carabante

José María Manzano Carabante, alias Chiqui Carabante. Malaga. He is a Spanish director and screenwriter who combines his film career with directing theater. Among his most notable works as a director are Malaka, Honor, The Fortress and, most recently, Operation barrio Inglés.

FILMOGRAPHY Honor (tv series, 2023), La fortaleza (feature film, 2022), El ministerio del tiempo (tv series, 2020), Malaka (tv series, 2019)
José Ramón Ayerra

He has a degree in Image and Sound from the Faculty of Information Sciences of the Complutense University of Madrid. He started working in television in 1992 in different production companies. In 1995 he made the leap to fiction. He has directed legendary series such as Compañeros, Los Serrano, Los Hombres de Paco, Águila Roja and recently Operación barrio Inglés.

FILMOGRAPHY Desaparecidos (tv series, 2022), Skam España (tv series, 2020), Wifileaks (tv series, 2018), Águila Roja (tv series, 2014), Los Hombres de Paco (tv series, 2008), Los Serrano (tv series, 2005)
  Gonzalo Crespo Gil (showrunner)

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