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Home27 Edition | Cinema Cocina Feature Films Official CompetitionBasajaun 2, el regreso al terruño

Basajaun 2, el regreso al terruño

Salvador Arellano Torres, Miguel García Iraburu


Day 04 at 16:00 - Teatro Echegaray


PRODUCTION Vitis Navarra
WRITING Salvador Arellano
CINEMATOGRAPHY Miguel García Iraburu
MUSIC Artlist
EDITION Salvador Arellano, Miguel García Iraburu
CAST Pedro Parra, Sara Pérez, Willy Pérez, Ramiro Ibáñez, José Luis Mateo, Álvaro Palacios, Rafael García, Patricia Benítez, Michel Riospeyrous, Jean Philippe Roby, Pedro Ruiz Aragoneses
SYNOPSIS The most prestigious wines are made in the vineyard. Spanish viticulture is experiencing times of change, and the return to the terroir revives historical regions punished by abandonment. After the first part of Basajaun, focused on plant material, this documentary collects the testimonies of those winegrowers who, from rural Spain, fight every day for a beautiful landscape that refuses to disappear.
Salvador Arellano Torres 1989. He is a freelance journalist and photographer. He has published the books El plátano hamaca, Pez de sombra, Calanchi and Calicata; and exhibited his work in Spain, Portugal, Italy, India and Bangladesh. In 2012 he received the Al Betrayal Prize and in 2023 the Teobaldo Prize for his book Calicata, Gredos como terroir. He received a Biznaga de Plata at the Malaga Film Festival in 2021 for their documentary Basajaun. FILMOGRAPHY Basajaun, preservando el origen (documentary, 2021)
Miguel García Iraburu 1989. He is a filmmaker at Arena Comunicación. He has worked as a cameraman, sound engineer, colorist and post-production manager on projects such as Pura vida, Walls, District Zero, Oskara and Cholitas. The productions in which he has participated have won more than 70 awards at prestigious festivals such as San Sebastián, Trento, Banff or Mendi Film. Both directors received a Biznaga de Plata at the Malaga Film Festival in 2021 for their documentary Basajaun. FILMOGRAPHY Basajaun, preservando el origen (documentary, 2021)

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