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Home27 Edition | Feature Films Official CompetitionSegundo premio

Segundo premio

Isaki Lacuesta, Pol Rodríguez


Day 05 at 22:00 - Teatro Cervantes

Day 07 at 16:30 - Multicines Rosaleda - Sala 1

Day 09 at 19:00 - Cine Albéniz - Sala 1

Day 10 at 18:00 - Cine Albéniz - Sala 3

Day 10 at 21:00 - Cine Albéniz - Sala 1

Day 05 at 12:30 - Cine Albéniz - Sala 1

Pass available to the audience on the day of the screening if seats remain available.

PRODUCTION La Terraza Films, Áralan Films, Ikiru Films, Bteam Prods, Sideral Cinema, Los Ilusos Films, Toxicosmos AIE
WRITING Isaki Lacuesta, Fernando Navarro
EDITION Javi Frutos
CAST Daniel Ibáñez, Cristalino, Stéphanie Magnin, Mafo, Chesco Ruiz, Edu Rejón
SYNOPSIS Granada, late 90s. In the midst of an artistic and cultural effervescence, an indie music group is going through its most delicate moment: the bass player breaks up with the band in search of his place outside music, and the guitarist is immersed in a spiral of self-destruction. Meanwhile, the singer is facing a complicated process of writing and recording his third album. Nobody knows that this album will forever change the music scene across the country. This is (not) a movie about Los Planetas.
Isaki Lacuesta Double winner of the Golden Shell at the San Sebastian Festival for Los pasos dobles in 2011 and Entre dos aguas in 2018. He has also directed La leyenda del tiempo, La noche que no acaba and La próxima piel, which premiered at the Malaga Film Festival. In 2022, he released Un año, una noche, which was competed in the Official Selection of the Berlinale. FILMOGRAPHY Segundo premio (feature film, 2024), Petges a l'herba (short film, 2023), Apagón (serie tv, 2022), La veu latent (short film, 2022), Un año, una noche (feature film, 2022), Bajo escucha. El acusado (serie tv, 2019), Où en êtes-vous, Isaki Lacuesta? (short film, 2019), Entre dos aguas (feature film, 2018), Besar-te com un home (serie tv, 2016), La próxima piel (feature film, 2016), Download Vilches (short film, 2014), Murieron por encima de sus posibilidades (feature film, 2014), El moviment perpetu (documentary, 2013), Microscopias (short film, 2012), El cuaderno de barro (documentary, 2011), Los pasos dobles (feature film, 2011), 3.11 Sense of Home (documentary, 2011), La noche que no acaba (documentary, 2010), Los condenados (feature film, 2009), In Between Days (documentary, 2009), Las variaciones Marker (documentary, 2008), Soldats anònims (short film, 2008), La leyenda del tiempo (feature film, 2006), Teoría de los cuerpos (short film, 2004), Cravan vs. Cravan (documentary, 2002), Caras vs. Caras (short film, 2000)
Pol Rodríguez He won two biznagas with Quatretondeta at the Malaga Film Festival. He has also directed episodes of the series Deudas, as well as second units in films such as Carta a Eva and Don't Grow Up. He has made documentary series such as the acclaimed Match Day, or the documentary series Year Zero, selected in the Tribeca official competition and produced by Oscar winner Kathryn Bigelow. FILMOGRAPHY Deudas (tv series, 2021), Matchday: Inside FC Barcelona (documentary, 2019), Salvados (tv series, 2018), Nen amagat (short film, 2016), Quatretondeta (feature film, 2016)

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