Asociación Multimedia de Acciones Culturales (AMA)
WRITING Jacobo Sucari
Tom Johnson
EDITION Jacobo Sucari, Raquel García
CAST Irina Warner, Roger Rull, Dominique Delpirou, Denis Lavant, Madeleine Claus, Alexandre Cloud, Lothar Eichhorn, Siegfried Joseph, Beat Röösli, Alex Wix, Michael Lowy
INTERNATIONAL SALES Asociación Multimedia de Acciones Culturales (AMA)
SYNOPSIS The philosopher Walter Benjamin tried to escape the Nazi advance in 1940 by crossing the border between France and Spain on foot. His escape ended in suicide. The route he followed between Banyuls and Portbou has since been named the Way Walter Benjamin, and is traveled every year by hundreds of pilgrims who come to honor his memory along with that of other exiles: that of the Republican side after Franco's coup in Spain, that of so many fleeing Nazi barbarism in the Second World War.
Jacobo Sucari
Documentary filmmaker, musical improvisation instrumentalist and writer. PhD Professor at the Faculty of Fine Arts, University of Barcelona. His creative work is based on the intersection of image, text and sound, constructed in a synchronic way, as an audiovisual composition. In his videography the narratives are often abstract or experimental; in others, closer to the documentary genre, the plot assumes a dramatic development. His works have been presented in different spaces and contexts, both in the artistic tradition such as museums and galleries, as well as in the cinematographic tradition: festivals, cinemas and programming in different TV channels.
Lina Bo Bardi, del vidrio al barro (documentary, 2022),
Israel on My Mind (documentary, 2020),
Akha, en la frontera (documentary, 2019),
El sueño de los héroes (documentary, 2013),
Un cosmos que danza (documentary, 2011),
Destruir y construir, historia de una fábrica (documentary, 2011),
La lucha por el espacio urbano (documentary, 2006)