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Home28 Edition | Special Sessions. Catalonia CinemathequeEl perquè de tot plegat

El perquè de tot plegat
(El porqué de las cosas)

Ventura Pons


Day 18 at 19:00 - Cine Albéniz - Sala 3


PRODUCTION Els Films de la Rambla
WRITING Ventura Pons
MUSIC Carles Cases
EDITION Pere Abadal
CAST Lluís Homar, Pepa López, Àlex Casanovas, Mercè Arànega, Mercè Pons, Pere Ponce, Anna Lizaran, Camilo Rodríguez, Vicenta N'Dongo, Abel Folk, Sergi Mateu, Jordi Bosch, Rosa Gàmiz, Núria Hosta, Francesc Orella, Jordi Sánchez, Anna Azcona, Joan Crosas, Rossy de Palma, Sílvia Munt, Pepe Rubianes
SYNOPSIS Fifteen independent stories about the relationships between men and women, with the following themes: will, understanding, honesty, sincerity, submission, competition, passion, rapport, ego, spite, desire, jealousy, love, faith, and doubt. Based on the novel of the same name by Quim Monzó.
Ventura Pons Barcelona, 1945-2024. Director, screenwriter, and producer. He began his career as a theatre director before making his documentary film Ocaña, retrato intermitente (Ocaña, an Intermittent Portrait, 1978). Subsequently, he was very successful in Catalan genre comedies, including El vicari d'Olot (1981), Què t'hi jugues, Mari Pili? (What do you Bet, Mari Pili?, 1991), and Aquesta nit o mai (1992). Following the success of the film adaptation of Quim Monzó's short stories El perquè de tot plegat (What's it all About, 1994), he specialized in adaptations of outstanding contemporary authors, such as Actrius (Actresses, 1996) and Barcelona (un mapa) (Barcelona (a Map), 2007). A prolific director, he returned to the documentary genre in his later years. FILMOGRAPHY Barcelona (a Map) (feature film, 2007), Amor idiota (feature film, 2004), Caricias (feature film, 1998), Actrices (feature film, 1996), El porqué de las cosas (feature film, 1994), Esta noche o jamás (feature film, 1992), ¿Qué te juegas, Mari Pili? (feature film, 1991), El vicari d'Olot (feature film, 1981), Ocaña, retrato intermitente (documentary, 1978)

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