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History of previous editions of the Malaga Festival

5 Edition

26 to 04 May 2002

In 2002, the Malaga Festival celebrated its first five years. The contest, already considered an essential event for our cinema, lived a great time. that year a resounding boost thanks to the resounding success of ‘El otro lado de la cama’, a musical comedy by Emilio Martínez-Lázaro which, after winning the Biznaga de oro, the award for best director and the award from the Malaga public, became the best director. in the highest grossing Spanish film of the year. The film starring Ernesto Alterio, Paz Vega, Guillermo Toledo, Natalia Verbeke, Alberto San Juan and María Esteve also received six Goya Award nominations. 

‘We are nobody’, directed by Jordi Moll’, was the opening film of this fifth edition, in which ‘Smoking room’, by Julio D. Wallovits and Roger Gual, also received nominations. three awards: the Special Jury Prize, the prize for the best male performance for all the actors in the film and the prize for the best script. The award for the best female performance went to the Cuban actress Claudia Rojas for her role in "La novia de Lázaro", while the actor Daniel Guzmás was awarded the award for best female performance. n received & oacute; a special mention for his work in ‘Cuando todo esté en orden’, a film by César Martínez Herrada that also received a prize. the award for best music. 

The Ricardo Franco Prize was awarded to the editor José Salcedo and the Retrospectiva Award, to the work of the filmmaker José Louis Rope. The Festival paid off. He paid a heartfelt homage to the late Adolfo Marsillach, who had died months before at the age of 73, and granted a prize. the Málaga Award to the actress Ángela Molina.

Download Awards list

La actriz Ángela Molina levanta la Biznaga del Premio Málaga que recibió en la quinta edición del Festival 

El montador José Salcedo recibió el Premio Ricardo Franco del Festival 

Photocall de la película ‘Smoking Room’ 

José Luis Cuerda recibió el Premio Retrospectiva  

Foto de grupo del Jurado de la quinta edición del Festival de Málaga, con Ray Loriga, Emilio Martínez-Lázaro, Agustín Díaz Yanes, Antonio Gasset, José Manuel Lorenzo y Benito Zambrano 

Presentación de la película ‘El oro de Moscú’, una producción de Enrique Cerezo dirigida por Jesús Bonilla y protagonizada, entre otros, por Alfredo Landa y Antonio Resines 

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