HomeNews | Current NewsThe Festival de Málaga presents the short films selected for audiovisual creation grants
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03 March 2024
The Festival de Málaga presents the short films selected for audiovisual creation grants
Four short stories that have been enjoyed in the Hall 2 of the Cine Albéniz
The short films selected for last year's audiovisual creation grants were presented this afternoon at the 27th Festival de Málaga. This is the 11th consecutive year that the Festival has announced these grants, with the aim of encouraging and boosting audiovisual creations in Malaga.
A total of four projects have been selected: ‘El amoragaor’, by Adrián Ordóñez; ‘La banda’, by Leonor Jiménez and Delia Márquez; ‘Geranio’, by Daniel Parra; and ‘Dominus videt’, by José Vega. All of them have been presented by their directors in Hall 2 of the Cine Albéniz out of competition.
The short film ‘El amoragaor’ is a documentary that tells the story of Manolín, an almost mythological character who was not destined to be an amoragaor. ‘La banda’ presents a couple of digital nomads who remote work for a technology giant from a luxurious flat with a sea view. ‘Geranio’ is a documentary about loss and the memories that remain forever. Finally, director José Vega deals with the story of two grounded boys who have been summoned to the principal's office in ‘Dominus videt’.
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