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HomeNews | Current NewsMAFIZ presents its awards and bids farewell to the international industry

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22 March 2025
MAFIZ presents its awards and bids farewell to the international industry
Panama will be the guest country of honor al Latin American Focus in 2026

Yesterday, the closing ceremony and awards ceremony of MAFIZ took place in the Mena hall of the NH Hotel, attended by the accredited guests of the industry area who said goodbye to the Festival after five days of intense work.
The general coordinator of MAFIZ, Annabelle Aramburu, welcomed the attendees and thanked them for their loyalty to the Malaga event. Then the gala began, hosted by Romina Zace, who invited the participants in Malaga Talent, Mercadoc.0 and Hack Malaga to take the stage. After this preamble, the winners of Málaga Short Corner, MAFF and Málaga WIP were unveiled.
The ceremony concluded with the announcement by Annabelle Aramburu that Panama will be the guest of honor at the 29th edition of the Festival, in the presence of Panama's Vice Minister of Culture, Arianne Benedetti and the Ambassador to Spain, Héctor Infante de Seda.
List of winners
Málaga Work in Progress
Festival de Málaga Award (Malaga WIP Spain). Valued at €5,000.
‘Los renacidos’, by Santiago Esteves.
Festival de Málaga Award (Malaga WIP Iberoamerica). Valued at €5,000.
'No hay ida sin retorno', by Carlos Sánchez Giraldo
Aracne Digital Cinema Award. Post-production and final print, valued at €20,000
‘Caro Nanni’, by Pablo Maqueda.
Chemistry Award. Image post-production for a Latin American film, valued at $15,000.
‘No hay ida sin retorno’, by Carlos Sánchez Giraldo.
Cine y Tele Award. Advertising page in the magazine for a Spanish film.
‘Lionel’, by Carlos Saiz.
E-28 Award. Soundtrack composition and production, valued at US$ 15,000.
El agua nunca dolió’, by Ana Clara Bustelo. Award. Advertising page in the magazine for an Iberoamerican film.
‘Morte e vida Madalena’, by Guto Parente.
Music Library Award (Malaga WIP Spain). Valued at €1,500 for music production and basic music supervision services.
‘Futura, la niebla’, by María Abenia.
Music Library Award (Malaga WIP Iberoamerica). Valued at €1,500 for music production and basic music supervision services.
‘Fragancia Tropical’’, by Alexander Viola.
Rio Bravo Award. Production of a trailer, promo or teaser valued at €5,000.
‘Los renacidos’, by Santiago Esteves.
Sideral Award. Valued at €10,000 for international distribution.
‘Lionel’, by Carlos Saiz.
Yagán Awards. Valued at €13,000 in sound post-production.
Yagán Films Award (Spain): ‘Lionel’, by Carlos Saiz.
Yagán Films Award (Iberoamerica):  ‘No hay ida sin retorno’, by Carlos Sánchez Giraldo.
Awards in collaboration with Festivals, committed to selecting a Málaga WIP project to participate in their industry labs are:
Abycine Lanza. Participation in the Work in Progress.
‘La Niebla’, by María Abenia.
FIDBA Doc. Participation in its Work in Progress
‘A Voz de Deus Miguel’, by Antunes Ramos.
REC Festival. Participation in industry laboratory.
‘Lionel’, by Carlos Saiz.
SANFIC Latam. Participation in the WIP Iberoamerican.
‘A Noite é uma Farsa’,  by Lucas Weglinski.
Festival de Málaga Fund Co-Production Event (MAFF)
Music Library Awards. Valued at €1,500 of music production and basic music supervision services.
Music Library Award (Iberoamerica).
'Adeus, Berta', by Fernando Tato, Adrián Castiñieras and Alba Gallego.
Music Library Award (Latin America).
'La rebelión de las raras', by Wincy Oyarce and Adriana Dennise-Silva.
Music Library Women Screen Industry Award.
'No soy universal', by Celia de Molina, Esteban Alenda and Cecilia Rivas.
Bolivia Lab Award. Participation in its production laboratory.
'Tres días de Verano', by Álvaro López Alba and Nuria Muñoz.
1st Prize Cántico Producciones. Valued at 10 minutes of original music valued at €6,400.
'Señorita de Buena Presencia', by Natalia Luque and Rodrigo Díaz.
2nd Prize Cántico Producciones. Allocation: Original music and audio post-production for a trailer or teaser of up to two minutes, valued at €3,400.
'La Estirada', by Karla Martins and Pedro Von Kruger.
3rd Prize Cántico Producciones: Allocation: Production of a teaser, original music and post-production for a project valued at €3,400.
'Primero tomamos Anillaco, by Paula Martel and Francisco Novick.
CIFF Market Award.  Participation in Canary Islands International Film Festival
‘Desierto Rosa’, by Constanza Macjluf and Rodrigo Díaz.
ECAM FORUM AWARD. Participation in ECAM FORUM 2025
'Señorita de buena presencia', by Natalia Luque and Rodrigo Díaz.
FIDBA Award. Participation in its industry laboratory.
‘A voz de Deus Miguel’, by Antunes Ramos.
SANFIC Santiago Lab Award. Participation in its production laboratory.
'Anoche creí que nadaba’, by Catalina Torres and Eugenia Olascuaga.
SIDERAL Award. valued at €5,000 for international distribution.
'Se buscan inquilinos', by María Paz Barragán and Norma Velázquez.
TÉRREA Award. Allocation: Production of a sustainability plan valued at €2,000
‘Claros de bosque’, by Alejandro Salgado e Irene Hens.
‘Se buscan inquilinos’, by María Paz Barragán y Norma Velázquez.
Málaga Short Corner
Festhome Award to the best short film presented at Málaga Short Corner. Six months free-of-charge festival registrations on the platform.
'La sangre', by Joaquín León.
Omladinski Film Festival Sarajevo Award for the best short film project. Selection to participate in the Co-Production Market of the OFF Pro Film Market.
‘Mi casa en una maleta’, by Andrea Torres Sánchez
‘Mar a noite’, by Pablo Garví.
Premio Festivalito
‘De Madrid al cielo’, by Pablo Pérez
‘Ya están viniendo’, by Miguel Guindos y Mario Alejandro Arias.


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