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HomeNews | Current NewsThe Festival de Málaga hosts the premiere of the Imbroda, el legado del maestro with a large institutional presence headed by the President of the Andalusian Regional Government, Juanma Moreno, and the Mayor of Malaga, Francisco de la Torre

Current News

07 March 2024
The Festival de Málaga hosts the premiere of the Imbroda, el legado del maestro with a large institutional presence headed by the President of the Andalusian Regional Government, Juanma Moreno, and the Mayor of Malaga, Francisco de la Torre
The premiere of the Javier Imbroda biopic, directed by Sergio Rubio, was attended by numerous prominent figures, including the President of the Community of Melilla and brother of the honoree, Juan Jo

The 27th Malaga Film Festival presented Imbroda, el legado del maestro in the official Out of Competition Documentary section. Directed by the Malaga filmmaker Sergio Rubio, it’s a biopic dedicated to the figure of Javier Imbroda, basketball coach, manager and Spanish politician who, in the words of the filmmaker Sergio Rubio, 'transformed people and cities'.

The premiere of the feature film, held at the Teatro Echegaray, was attended by numerous institutional guests, headed by the President of the Andalusian Regional Government, Juanma Moreno, and the Mayor of Malaga, Francisco de la Torre.

The journalist Belén Martín introduced the screening of Sergio Rubio’s documentary, which deals with the life and personal career of Javier Imbroda, who has coached the 6th most games in ACB La Liga basketball league history. Imbroda, el legado del maestro describes the captivating personality of Imbroda, who led his Maristas school team to the national elite, the creation of Unicaja de Málaga, his experience as coach of the Lithuanian national team, and the genesis of ‘la familia’, the best Spanish national team in history. Former players including Pau Gasol, Jorge Garbajosa and Juan Carlos Navarro all take part in the documentary.

The film is directed by the Malaga-born filmmaker Sergio Rubio, who has had a versatile career that ranges from intimate dramas to comedies. His documentary Una sombra en el paraíso was selected for the prestigious FIPA in Biarritz. Now, he’s presented Imbroda, el legado del maestro at the Festival de Málaga, where for 90 minutes he questions the conception of superficial and fleeting success as opposed to the human and profound triumph that Javier Imbroda represented in everything he did.

Before the film screening, Gustavo Fuentes, General Director of ADM and producer of the documentary, and the President of the Community of Melilla and brother of the honoree, Juan José Imbroda, also spoke.
Institutional presence
In addition to Moreno and De la Torre, among the large audience were the Andalusian Regional Government Councillors Antonio Sanz, Rocío Blanco and Arturo Bernal, as well as Malaga City Councillors Mariana Pineda and Elisa Pérez de Siles; the President of the Provincial Council, Francisco Salado; and the Sub-Delegate of the Government, Francisco Javier Salas.



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