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HomeNews | Current NewsRodrigo García Sáiz presents his debut film Lluvia, a choral drama that describes the human condition with a universal story about everyday people

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08 March 2024
Rodrigo García Sáiz presents his debut film Lluvia, a choral drama that describes the human condition with a universal story about everyday people
Rodrigo García Sáiz ha presentado su ópera prima Lluvia, un drama coral que retrata la condición humana con un relato universal en el que quiere dar voz a las personas cotidianas y con la que compite en Sección Oficial a concurso.

Rodrigo Garca Sáiz presented his debut film Lluvia, a choral drama that describes the human condition with a universal story. He wants to give a voice to everyday people and competes in the Official Competition Section.

It is a Mexican production whose story is set in a gigantic, rainy Mexico City, where the characters' vital discoveries are interwoven through the six stories that make up the script. It is based on a collection of short stories by Paula Markovitch. In total, six stories with different characters who walk through the streets of Mexico City, chased by endless rain and absorbed in a daily hopelessness.

Regarding the Mexican capital, the director has stated that it is just another character, as well as the metaphor and common thread that connects each of the stories. The city also intensifies the feelings of each of the protagonists, fifteen lonely people in a big city who are confronted with an unforeseen moment, a strange, light and absurd event that reveals who they are. After this turning point, they once again become immersed in everyday confusion.

In a press conference, García Sáiz clarified that these are not closed stories, nor do they have a conventional dramatic trajectory. 'In this country of so many social gaps, there are also shining stories in which it is worth stopping and placing oneself in the point of view of their protagonists'.

For the casting, he chose a combination of experienced actors and newcomers to present a diverse country that, in his opinion, is rarely shown. This film has been 'the journey of a lifetime' for the director, he said.

The director was joined in his presentation by the actresses Morganna Love and Cecilia Suárez. Love stressed that what is really wonderful about this feature film is that 'the characters are real, human, dark, and bright at the same time'.

Finally, García Sáiz confessed that as it is a choral film, he was aware that he could be taking the risk of the audience connecting more with one story than with another, as it is unpredictable that they will empathise more with one character or another. However, it was a risk he liked, and he chose to leave the stories open so that each viewer could empathise with each of the characters from his or her own life experience.


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