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History of previous editions of the Malaga Festival

23 Edition

21 to 30 August 2020

The Malaga Festival was set to celebrate its twenty-third edition in March 2020, but the pandemic caused it to be postponed to August. With all its sections adapted to the new situation and prioritizing the cinematographic fact over the social and media showcase of the red carpet, the renewed edition of the contest marked the success of the event. The first cinematographic meeting in the country after the confinement caused by the coronavirus.

And the result could not have been more satisfactory. Due to the special circumstances in which it was held, the 23rd edition of the Malaga Festival became one of the most important events in the world. It became historical by meeting the objectives that it set for itself. From the first moment: to be friendly, confident and to show that cinema and culture could and should go on. In gratitude for the generous work carried out during the health crisis, the contest awarded a prize. The Málaga Award of this edition was awarded to all healthcare professionals.

‘Las niñas’, the debut feature by Pilar Palomero, was awarded the Biznaga de oro for best Spanish feature film and the prize for best photography, while the Mexican film ‘Blanco summer’ (White summer), by Rodrigo Ruiz Patterson, won the prize. the Golden Biznaga for the best Ibero-American feature film and those for best supporting actor (Fabián Corres) and best script.

The Special Jury Award went to ‘Rosa's Wedding’, by Icíar Bollañin, who also won the Silver Biznaga for Best Supporting Actress (Nathalie Poza). For his part, veteran Mexican filmmaker Arturo Ripstein, who starred in the film. the Retrospect Prize of this edition, got the prize. He also won the best director award for his film ‘The Devil Between the Legs’.

The Antequera-born actress Kiti Mánver, recognized with the Biznaga Ciudad del Paraíso, collected the prize for her award. a second prize, the one corresponding to best actress for her work in ‘El inconvenience’, an award that she shared with the others. with the Brazilian Regina Casé, star of ‘Tres veranos’, a film that won the Critics Award. ‘The downside,’ the Audience Award.

The Silver Biznaga for best actor was also shared, in this case for the Argentines Alberto Amman and Pablo Echarri for their roles in ‘El silencio del cazador’, a film that was also recognized with the award for better assembly.

The twenty-third Festival of Málaga presented a second Biznaga Ciudad del Paraíso to the Argentine actor Óscar Martínez, who could not go to Málaga because of the situation, but who was He was surprised in a videoconference by Antonio Banderas, who handed him a message. symbolically said recognition. The filmmaker Carlos Marques-Marcet was honored with the Málaga Talent Award and the costume designer Tatiana Hernández received the Málaga Talent Award. He won the Ricardo Franco Award for what was, without a doubt, the most unique edition in the history of the Malaga event.

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Los premiados por el palmarés de certamen posan en familia en el Gran Hotel Miramar 

El realizador Carlos Marques-Marcet, distinguido con el Premio Málaga Talent, mantuvo un encuentro con el público que fue moderado por el director del Festival de Málaga, Juan Antonio Vigar 

La pandemia impidió que la alfombra roja del 23 Festival de Málaga pudiera desplegarse como siempre, por lo que tuvo que se celebrarse a puerta cerrada 

Un momento de la gala inaugural. El distanciamiento social y la seguridad fueron dos máximas durante la celebración del Festival de Málaga 

La actriz antequerana Kiti Mánver fue reconocida con la Biznaga Ciudad del Paraíso 

Carmelo Gómez, protagonista de ‘El perro del hortelano’, título elegido como la Película de Oro de la vigesimotercera edición de Festival de Málaga, posa para los medios gráficos 

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