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HomeNews | Current NewsAra Malikian sells out tickets for the closing concert of the 27th Malaga Festival and will give a second show

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17 January 2024
Ara Malikian sells out tickets for the closing concert of the 27th Malaga Festival and will give a second show
The violinist will take twice to Malaga on the 10th of March his latest tour, 'The Ara Malikian World Tour'

Ara Malikian has sold out the tickets for the closing concert of the 27th Malaga Festival on the 10th of March at Teatro Cervantes, and will therefore offer a second performance at 10 p.m. The Spanish violinist of Lebanese origin and Armenian descent is coming to Malaga as part of his The Ara Malikian World Tour, with which he is filling theatres and auditoriums with a show dedicated to the strength and freedom of childhood.
Tickets for this second concert can be purchased from today at 6 p.m. at Teatro Cervantes in Malaga and Cine Albéniz box offices and online through Uniticket, at a price of between €20 and €60.
'It is a show dedicated to the strength and freedom of childhood, to my son, and to me at his age,' says Malikian. 'When I saw my son walk for the first time after months of falls, failed attempts, bumps and tries, I understood that one day we were all that strength that time makes us forget', explains the violinist about the origin of this show, based on childhood. 'Children are the most authentic beings you can find, they are wild, they are tenderness in their essence, and they are full of an insulting truth, they are not afraid of making mistakes, they are free and expressive and everything they do is full of art', he adds.
'When you look at a child, you understand almost everything you used to be and haven't allowed yourself to be for a while. This tour is the result of watching my son grow up, it is the result of me growing up next to him, it is all those sounds and melodies that try to give shape to what I have felt and been inspired by him and life through him. It is an encounter with the child I couldn't be and would have dreamed of being. It is a tribute to those beings who are as free as a bird', he adds. For this reason, Malikian's concert in Malaga in March is full of dinosaurs, robotic squids, time machines, flying pianos and bilingual mimes.
Malikian comes to Teatro Cervantes accompanied by Iván 'Melón' Lewis, a virtuoso Cuban pianist and Grammy-awarded for best Latin jazz album last year; Iván Ruiz Machado, double bass and electric bass player, composer, arranger, and music producer; Cuban-born drummer Georvis Pico Milán and Dayan Abad, a guitarist who has won several awards in Spain, including a Goya award for best original music.


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