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HomeNews | Current NewsPhotographer Víctor Lafuente captures what is not seen at the Malaga Festival in the exhibition 'Lighting up the unseen'

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01 March 2024
Photographer Víctor Lafuente captures what is not seen at the Malaga Festival in the exhibition 'Lighting up the unseen'
Calle Larios presents an exhibition by the Madrid artist made up of 80 snapshots taken backstage at the last edition of the event.

The Malaga Festival will start its 27th edition this Friday with the inauguration of the photographic exhibition ‘Lighting up the invisible’ by the artist from Madrid, Víctor Lafuente, which will run along Calle Larios from today until Sunday the 10th of March. In addition to the photographer, the presentation was attended by the Mayor of Malaga, Francisco de la Torre; the Councillor for Culture and Historic Heritage, Mariana Pineda; and the Festival Director, Juan Antonio Vigar.

‘With these photographs I try to show what is not seen, provoke a conversation and invite the spectators to immerse themselves in the captivating stories that take place backstage at the Festival’, says Lafuente. He took, as ‘a significant challenge’, the possibility of publicly exhibiting 80 snapshots in one of the main and busiest streets of Malaga. A selection chosen from 130 shots that show recognised faces of film at the last edition of the Malaga event behind the curtain, behind the scenes. Its objective is capturing ‘a more mundane and close-up scene’ of those photographed and ‘in a less intrusive way, without altering the situations’.

From Madrid, the photojournalist Víctor Lafuente, with his inseparable Leica, has photographed important film events such as the Forqué Awards, Feroz Awards, Platinum Awards and Goya Awards. However, the photographer highlights this exhibition as ‘the most important of my career to date’ and stresses the importance of it being in the open air, as it will be shown to the whole of Malaga city, visitors to the Festival, as well as to all the tourists who stroll along this famous, centrally located street.

The photographic collection, which will be on display until Sunday the 10th of March, reflects what the Malaga festival has meant to the artist, who works with a type of photography that is quite unusual in our country. It will give a unique style to this exhibition at the 27th edition of the Festival to represent ‘the closest and most invisible face of the film industry’.


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