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HomeNews | Current NewsThe Peruvian feature film 'Yana-Wara', by Óscar and Tito Catacora, which reflects on gender violence and vindicates the rights of the Andean community, arrives in Malaga

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06 March 2024
The Peruvian feature film 'Yana-Wara', by Óscar and Tito Catacora, which reflects on gender violence and vindicates the rights of the Andean community, arrives in Malaga
The Peruvian director Tito Catacora has presented 'Yana-Wara', a feature film he co-directed with Óscar Catacora, who died before filming was finished, and with which he is competing in the Official S

It is a dramatic and mystery film, shot in black and white, in which he reflects on gender violence and vindicates Andean culture, which he considers to be in danger of extinction. 
Catacora told at a press conference that the film is shot in the Aymara language because 'their aim has always been to vindicate their own Andean identity and to use film to give a voice to this community to make known all the wisdom they have inherited from their ancestors'.

In addition to the vindictive nature of the script, Catacora also emphasised the critical essence of the film, focusing 'on the role of man as a predator of nature and how the space where these millenary communities live is undermined'. The film touches on many issues, from racism to gender violence, sexism, poverty and social differences, among others.
Yana-Wara is a 13-year-old girl who begins to have terrifying visions after being touched by the evil spirits that inhabit the forbidden places in the mountains of Peru.

The actress Irma Doris Percca began her participation in the press conference by speaking in Aymara to convey that she represents all indigenous women in Peru. 'Although struggles have been undertaken, and we have achieved rights, everything ends up remaining just words, and that hurts', she said.

Both Catacora and Percca consider that the message of their film is universal, as what they speak out against does not only happen in Peru, but affects all countries. From violence against minors and women, to the sexism present in all areas, even in the workplace in large capital cities.

The communal justice system charges Don Evaristo, 80 years old, with the murder of his 13-year-old granddaughter Yana-Wara. During the hearing, everyone learns the tragic story of this young girl, who, due to gender violence, begins to have terrifying visions after being touched by the evil spirits that inhabit the forbidden places of the Andes.


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