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HomeNews | Current NewsSonia Méndez presents her debut feature film 'As neves', a rural thriller that reflects the consequences of the digital connection of teenagers with social networks

Current News

06 March 2024
Sonia Méndez presents her debut feature film 'As neves', a rural thriller that reflects the consequences of the digital connection of teenagers with social networks
Sonia Méndez takes part in the Official Section of the Malaga Festival with her debut film 'As neves', a rural thriller in which she has proposed to reflect faithfully the consequences of the digital

At a press conference, Méndez has clarified that her goal is to empathise with the young protagonists of the story, without judging them and fleeing from moralistic lessons. 'It is not a film that talks about the risks of social networks, but about the emotional journey experienced by teenagers at a certain moment in their lives marked by a dramatic event, a disappearance in a rural setting with a context that, according to Méndez, is reminiscent of Twin Peaks'.

On the other hand, Méndez explained her interest in the contrast between the digital connection and the lack of interpersonal connection. For this, she was clear that she wanted a casting of actors who were not professionals - to convey authenticity and spontaneity - and who spoke Galician. The new actors who make up the cast are Andrea Varela, David Rodríguez Fernández, Antía Mariño, Xacobe Bruña Alonso and Irene Rodríguez.

As neves' is the name of the Galician village where the story takes place. In this mountain village where everyone knows each other, a group of teenagers get high by consuming hallucinogenic mushrooms for the first time while they are sent a video.

When they wake up, they find a snowstorm and the news that one of the girls is missing. From here begins a tense countdown to find her while the town is cut off without internet.
The new actors have stated that it is a film that everyone can identify with and from which many lessons can be learned. In fact, it makes you think about what could happen before it happens, they agreed.

The film will be released in cinemas on the 10th of May.


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