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HomeNews | Current NewsThe Malaga Festival celebrates the second edition of Neópolis, the project that combines artistic avant-garde with science and technology

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08 March 2024
The Malaga Festival celebrates the second edition of Neópolis, the project that combines artistic avant-garde with science and technology
In this new approach, the focus has been made on artificial intelligence, the relationship between humans and machines, and the plant kingdom

The Neópolis territory, which was born in the last edition of the Malaga Festival, is an in-between for the real world and the virtual world, with the aim to 'promote dialogues between artists and scientists to create works that move us forward and encourage reflection'.

After the success of the last edition, two of last year's themes are repeated: artificial intelligence and the machine/human relationship, and a new one is has been put forward, the Plant Kingdom.

On March the 7th, 8th and 9th, two spaces at Plaza de la Constitución 7 and Calle Carretería 23 bis are open to the public to come and reflect on the influence that technology has on our lives.

Neópolis defends the importance of 'put what is urgent to the side to strengthen the sustainability of human beings through an open dialogue with the public who visit the spaces, so that we can reflect on our attitude towards this new contemporary environment'.

The theme Neópolis #2: 'Planta Sapiens: Sed' consists of an organic installation by the artist Emmanuel Lafont located at Plaza de la Constitución, 7. Open from 7 to 9 during SEAP opening hours, it invites us to reflect on our behaviour as living beings on the planet.

In the same place is the plant installation Neópolis #2: 'Planta Sapiens: (NO) Sed' by the floral artist Óscar Ros. This installation reflects on intelligent plant behaviour. It brings issues such as drought or other attacks on the plant kingdom to light.

Finally, in La Casa Amarilla, located on C/Carreterías, 23 bis, is Neópolis #2: 'Perfectus Imperfectio 1.0.: Spatial installation with visual actions and sound impact' by Roy Laguna and David Burbano. It will be related to the topics of Artificial Intelligence and Machine/Human Relationship and invites us to delve into current dilemmas such as the presence on networks without their consent of people who are no longer here, or the current interactions of technology with human beings.

All spaces are open to the public who pass by and want to reflect and discuss these three areas of work that combine artistic avant-garde and science and technology and that demonstrate the influence that science and technology increasingly have on our lives.


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