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Eduardo de la Serna


Day 03 at 21:00 - Sala de Turismo y Deporte de Andalucía


COUNTRY Argentina
WRITING Eduardo de la Serna
CINEMATOGRAPHY Eduardo de la Serna
MUSIC Eugene Pottier, Pierre Degeyter, Richard Wagner
EDITION Eduardo de la Serna
CAST Mora Piotrkowski Schonhaut
SYNOPSIS An Argentinean documentary filmmaker receives a grant and travels to Mexico to develop a project on the literacy processes of the indigenous peoples of Latin America. For 10 weeks he records a travel diary, influenced by the vision he sees from the window of his hotel: a bust of his distant uncle, Ernesto Guevara de la Serna. Through this image, he observes the world around him and also within himself; his relationship with his daughter in times of patriarchal decline.
Eduardo de la Serna Father. Filmmaker. Teacher. He lives in Buenos Aires City. He loves soccer, sweets and poetry. FILMOGRAPHY La inocencia (documentary, 2016), Reconstruyendo a Cyrano (documentary, 2013), El ambulante (documentary, 2009)

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