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Ernesto Daranas Serrano


Day 05 at 19:00 - Sala de Turismo y Deporte de Andalucía


COUNTRY Cuba, Spain
PRODUCTION Altahabana Films, ICAIC
WRITING Ania Molina Alonso, Ernesto Daranas Serrano
CINEMATOGRAPHY Ángel Alderete Gómez
MUSIC Juan Pablo Daranas Molina
EDITION Pedro Suárez Boza
CAST Gretel Alonso Fuentes, Livio Delgado Camacho, Romero Lavañino
DISTRIBUTION Altahabana Films
SYNOPSIS An approach to the life and work of Nicolás Guillén Landrián, the first black Cuban filmmaker, whose avant-garde films were censored, while he was subjected to imprisonment, psychiatric internment and finally exile. In 2022, some of his films were restored. While this process was taking place, Gretel Alfonso (Landrián's widow) and the photographer Livio Delgado recalled passages from the life and work of this Cuban documentary filmmaker.
Ernesto Daranas Serrano Havana, December 7, 1961. Director and screenwriter. Nominated in different categories for the Goya, Platino, Ariel and Forqué awards. He has won several awards at the festivals of Havana, Goa, Giffoni, Brasilia, New York, Moscow, London, Malaga and Huelva, as well as at numerous international festivals. His feature films Los dioses rotos in 2008, Conducta in 2012 and Sergio y Serguéi in 2018 were nominated by Cuba for the Oscars. His documentary work received the King of Spain Award in 2004. FILMOGRAPHY Natalia (documentary, 2019), Sergio y Serguéi (feature film, 2017), Conducta (feature film, 2014), Los dioses rotos (feature film, 2008)

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