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14 February 2023
Sixteen films from ten countries will participate in Malaga Work in Progress of MAFIZ
The Spanish productions will be presented in the context of Malaga WIP Spain, as part of Spanish Screenings Content

Spanish Screenings se enmarca en el componente 'España Hub Audiovisual de Europa' del Plan de Recuperación, Transformación y Resiliencia, impulsado por los ministerios de Cultura y Deporte y Asuntos Económicos y Transformación Digital

The sixth edition of Malaga Work in Progress, one of the sections of MAFIZ (Malaga Festival Industry Zone), which is devoted to Spanish, Portuguese and Latin American films, will be held from the 13th to the 17th of March. Sixteen films from ten countries will be presented to an audience of professionals accredited at the Malaga Film Festival, including sale agents, festival programmers and international funds and producers, to support their completion and favour their international dissemination and promotion. For the second year in a row, the eight Spanish productions participating in the initiative under the name Malaga WIP Spain are also part of Spanish Screenings Content, which in 2023 incorporates new activities and renovated content to be announced in the near future. The filmmakers in charge of the projects will have the opportunity to present their films in a pitch format and to arrange appointments with possible partners. Malaga WIP’s objective is to consolidate its commitment to the diversity of identities and languages of the Ibero-American sphere and its audiovisual industry. Malaga WIP is organized by the Malaga City Council, Málaga Procultura and the Malaga Film Festival in collaboration with ICAA (Institute of Cinematography and Visual Arts of Spain), CAACI (Conference of Audiovisual and Cinematographic Authorities of Ibero-America) IBERMEDIA and FIPCA (Ibero-American Federation of Film and Audiovisual Producers). The following films were selected from the two sections of Malaga WIP by a prestigious committee of experts: Malaga WIP Spain - As Neves, by Sonia Méndez. Producers: Aquí y Allí Films, Cósmica Producións - Hija del volcán / The Daughter of the Volcano, by Jenifer de la Rosa. Producers: Auna Producciones, Solita Films, Cebolla Films. (Spain, Mexico) - La imatge permanent / The Permanent Picture, by Laura Ferrés. Producers: Fasten Films, Le Bureau. (Spain, France). Territorios. - La nit no fa vigília, by Clara Serrano and Gerard Simó. Producer: Ringo Media. Territorios. - Las residentes (esto no es un cuento de verano) / The Residents, by Jo Sol. Producer: Shaktimetta Produccions. Selección REC. - Les vacances de Mara / Mara’s Vacation, by Elena Escura. Producer: Tarannà Films - Lo carga el diablo / Devil Dog Road, by Guillermo Polo. Producers: Los Hermanos Polo Films, Batiak Films, Japonica Films, Volcano Films. - Sobre todo de noche / Foremost by Night, by Víctor Iriarte. Producers: Reescritura AIE, Ukbar Films, 4A4 Productions. (Spain, Portugal, France). Selección Abycine. Malaga WIP Ibero-America - Carropasajero, by Juan Pablo Polanco and César Alejandro Jaimes. Producers: Los Niños Films, Pong Berlín. (Colombia, Alemania) - Ciudad oculta / Hidden City, byFrancisco Bouzas. Producers: Oculta Cine, Pensar con las manos (Argentina). - El Santo / The Saint, by Juan Agustín Carbonere. Producer: Hiperion. (Argentina). - En vos confío / I Trust You, by Agustín Toscano. Producer: Magma Cine. (Argentina). Selección Fidba. - Estados Generales, by Mauricio Freyre. Producers: Estudio Rien, Tasio. (Perú, España). Latin American Focus - Idade da Pedra / Stone Age, by Renan Rovida. Producers: Plateau Produçoes, Desalambrar Filmes. (Brasil, España). Selección Cinemundi. - Una luz negra / A Dark Light, by Alberto Hayden Hahn. Producer: Brisa. (Chile). Selección Sanfic. - Punku, by Juan Daniel Fernández Molero. Producer: Tiempo Libre. (Perú). Latin American Focus. The jury for Malaga WIP Spain, comprising Viviana Carlet (Lago Film Fest), Kristina Konrad (Welftim) and Brais Romero (La Distribuidora de la ECAM) and for Malaga WIP Ibero-America, comprising Gloria Bretones (Begin Again Films), Diego Carazo-Migerel (Outplay Films) and Ana Pereira (DocsLisboa), will select the winners of the Malaga Film Festival Award, consisting of 5,000 euros for an Ibero-American project and 5,000 euros for a Spanish project. In addition, the films will also compete for the following awards: Aracne Digital Cinema: an award worth 20,000 euros, consisting of post-production and final copy for one of the projects. Cine y Tele: a page of advertising in the magazine, for one of the Spanish projects. Damita Joe: an award consisting of the national distribution for one of the projects. an award consisting of a page of advertising in the magazine for one of the Ibero-American projects. Latido Films: an award of 15,000 euros as an advance for the distribution of one of the participating projects. Music Library: ACORDE, the musical supervision division of Music Library &SFX, will give a cash prize of 300 euros, as well as a flat production fee worth 295 euros for an Ibero-American project, and the same awards for a Spanish project. Yagán Films: a sound post-production award worth 13,000 euros. The following collaborating festivals are committed to selecting a Malaga WIP project to participate in their industry laboratories: SANFIC INDUSTRIA - Santiago International Film Festival FIDBA – Buenos Aires International Documentary Film Festival ABYCINE – Albacete International Film Festival REC – Tarragona International Film Festival The following institutions and companies collaborate with Malaga WIP: ICAA, ICEX España Exportación e Inversiones, Ministry of Culture of Peru, Film in Peru, Catalan Films, Catalan Film Commission ICEC, Aracne, Cine y Tele, Damita Joe,, Latido Films, Music Library (Acorde), Yagán Films, together with the following festivals: Abycine, REC Festival, Sanfic, Fidba and Brasil Cinemundi. Spanish Screenings is the programme for the internationalisation of Spanish audiovisual production that since 2022 has benefitted from a new impulse, with a greater diversity of content, new thematic sections and a vision to incorporate work aligned with the new audiovisual narratives and to enhance the value of the entire professional chain of Spanish audiovisual productions. Thus, its new format, ‘Spanish Screenings XXL’, is an international market for the production of Spanish audiovisuals, a project with more content and a larger volume of activities to adapt to the new challenges of the audiovisual industry, with the support of the Ministry of Culture and Sports through the ICAA and the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Digital Transformation through ICEX España Exportación e Inversiones, the Malaga Film Festival and the San Sebastian Film Festival. Spanish Screenings is part of the component 'Spain, Audiovisual Hub of Europe' of the Plan for Recovery, Transformation and Resilience promoted by the Ministries of Culture and Sport and of Economic Affairs and Digital Transformation.


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