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HomeNews | Current NewsThe Malaga Festival hosts for the first time in Spain the General Assembly of FERA, Federation of European Screen Directors

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28 February 2024
The Malaga Festival hosts for the first time in Spain the General Assembly of FERA, Federation of European Screen Directors
At the 27th Malaga Festival, more than 50 film directors from 35 European countries are meeting to make ‘FERA’s General Meeting, Federation of European Screen Directors’, where they will discuss impor

FERA, Federation of European Screen Directors, was founded in 1980 and is the only European organisation that represents film and TV directors. Driven by 49 associations from 35 countries, it represents the cultural, creative and economic interests of more than 20,000 directors at national and European level.
It aims to promote policies that maximise the creative, social and commercial potential of European directors and the audiovisual industry. To increase recognition of the cultural importance of audiovisual works and to defend their integrity in 21st century Europe.  FERA represents its directors as authors, the main creators of audiovisual works.
The meeting will take place on the 29th of February, and the 1st, the 2nd and 3rd of March at the University of Malaga’s Rectory. In the mornings, the meetings of the members of the organisation, including its Board of Directors, will take place behind closed doors.
On the afternoons of the 1st and the 2nd of March, ACCIÓN, Spanish Association of Film Directors organises meetings open to the public with simultaneous interpreting.
With the collaboration of ICAA, Ministry of Culture, Malaga Festival. SGAE and DAMA.


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