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HomeNews | Current NewsThe Argentinian movie ‘Las Milagros existen’ opens the ZonaZine section of the 27th Festival de Málaga

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01 March 2024
The Argentinian movie ‘Las Milagros existen’ opens the ZonaZine section of the 27th Festival de Málaga
The feature film, directed by Andrés Llugany, address with a gender perspective topics such as religion or death

The most daring and avant-garde proposals from the Malaga Festival come together every year at ZonaZine, in which seven films are presented in this edition: four of them Spanish, one co-production and two international ones.

The one in charge of inaugurating this section this Friday was the Argentine film ‘Las Milagros existen’, a production written and directed by Andrés Llugany. It was screened this afternoon in hall 3 of the Cine Albéniz, and the director himself was at the presentation and following press conference.

The film tells the story of two girls named Milagros who detect strange coincidences between them, beyond the common name. Together, they begin the search for another Milagros, discovering that the coincidences extend to any girl with that name.

Andrés Llugany, director of the film, pointed out in the press conference after the screening that 'I began the project very late because I was hired as director when the film had already gone through the search for financing. However, firstly, I wanted to read the script carefully and bring that external universe closer to my own.'

He confessed that one of the main reasons why he agreed to direct the film was the film's title itself. His partner is called Milagros, like the main characters of the film, a coincidence that he could not let pass.

One of the basic backbones of the film is its fantastic and genre nature. In the words of Llugany: 'There are many surreal and fantasy elements. I included three monsters that were not in the original script, which caused an initial rejection from the producers, so I made modifications and ended up calling them mystical visions.' And all this is understood even more when the director explains that one of his favourite genres is horror -one of his reference films is ‘Un hombre lobo americano en Londres’.

Regarding the film's journey, it premiered in November in an Argentine cinema, and its release in cinemas is planned to be in the city of Mendoza next April.

Andrés Llugany has 25 years of film activity and more than 50 audiovisual productions. He is also a cartoonist, writer and musician, which makes his cinematographic language to be related to comics and fantasy. With his productions, he has toured a wide circuit of festivals, winning many of them. His work, easily identifiable, is characterised by placing great value on narrative synthesis, silence in dialogues, reflective pauses, and journeys between spaces; without leaving aside a certain type of particular humour and the permanent intention of expressive experimentation.



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