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HomeNews | Current NewsDavid Galán Galindo invites us to a reflection on what maturity is at the age of 40 with ‘Matusalén’, a comedy starring Julián López

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02 March 2024
David Galán Galindo invites us to a reflection on what maturity is at the age of 40 with ‘Matusalén’, a comedy starring Julián López
The second day of the Málaga Festival began with the presentation of ‘Matusalén’, the new comedy by David Galán Galindo 'on the passage to maturity', which participates in the Official Section Out of

Starring a rapper in his forties who goes to university after a bet with his father. Galán Galindo explained that the basis of his film focuses precisely on the 40s. It is an age when you find yourself in the middle of everything, and you find it difficult to get used to it because you feel bad everywhere you go. Firstly, your parents think you're still a child and young people think you're an old man.

The director has revealed that he takes references from comic books, one of his great hobbies. 'Stan Lee used to say that messages should be hidden so that the public can perceive them without noticing them while having fun', he pointed out. He believes that, if they are too obvious, the reader may see them as a nonsense, as if they were being indoctrinated. This premise also defines the essence of his film, the director explained.

For this reason, he insisted that, for him, the most important thing in a comedy film is fun. However, he acknowledged that in ‘Matusalén’, as well as making people laugh, he wanted to invite them to reflect on what maturity is.

'We have been told that maturing means that, at a certain age, you must stop doing certain things. And maybe maturing is actually recognising that you are like that, and claiming that if someone doesn't like it, they shouldn't watch', argued Galán. He discussed the essence of this story starring Julián López as a rapper in his forties, a character in whom the director feels very much reflected.

About this, Galán Galindo has also said that he has made his characters speak exactly the same way as he speaks to his mates, with the same rap slang. In fact, rap has also marked the filmmaker's life, a hobby he shared with his friends in the park whom he met sharing calimochos. He is sure that when his friends watch the film, they will recognise the filmmaker in many aspects of his character.

Meanwhile, Julián López acknowledged that he has enjoyed the opportunity to get close to hip-hop culture and rappers, described as circus performers of words, verbs and rhythm.

López is joined by a large cast of both new and renowned actors. From Antonio Resines, María Barranco, Miguel Rellán, Miren Ibarguren, Alberto San Juan and Raúl Cimas, to Jason Fernández, Lucía de la Fuente, Marieta Sánchez and Elena de Lara.

Finally, its producer, Enrique Cerezo, confessed that what he really likes most in film is Spanish comedy. He thought it was a great challenge to bring together so many actors from different generations in the same project, and he was very satisfied with the final result.

‘Matusalén’ is his second solo feature film. In 2020, his debut feature, ‘Orígenes secretos’, based on his novel, was nominated for three Goya Awards: Best Adapted Screenwriting, Special Effects, Make-up and Hairdressing. Later on, with ‘Gora automatikoa’ he also received a Goya nomination for best animated film. In theatre, he has written the shows ‘En su cabeza era espectacular’ and ‘Hecho a mano’, by Pantomima Full, and ‘Mucha tontería’, by Berto Romero. As a comic author, he is the creator of Sargento Resines with Salva Espín and this month he is launching Pro, a superhero comic for Panini, the publishing house that publishes Marvel in Spain.


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