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HomeNews | Current NewsLies and betrayals make up ‘Puntos suspensivos’, a thriller with touches of black humour starring José Coronado, Cecilia Suárez and Diego Peretti

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02 March 2024
Lies and betrayals make up ‘Puntos suspensivos’, a thriller with touches of black humour starring José Coronado, Cecilia Suárez and Diego Peretti
The new film by David Marqués, from Ibiza, has been presented in the Official Section Out of Competition of the 27th Malaga Festival.

The reality of a mystery writer and a visit to an isolated chalet by a disturbing character who claims to be a journalist start the plot of ‘Puntos suspensivos’. Nobody knows the truth about the main character, Leo (José Coronado), and only Victoria, played by Cecilia Suárez, his agent, knows where he is. A dark secret related to Adriana (Georgina Amorós), his young lover, seems to be behind the mysterious visit.
This is the plot of the latest film by David Marqués, which was presented as part of the screenings of the Official Section Out of Competition on the second day of the Malaga Festival.
With a script by Marqués himself and Rafa Calatayud and under the production of Álvaro Longoria, this story is full of lies, betrayals, and threats that will lead to a ruthless battle between the characters.
During the discussion after the screening, the director explained the origin of ‘Puntos suspensivos’ to the press and audience attending. The writing process started with the screenwriter during the pandemic, Marqués acknowledged being inspired by classic suspense films, 'taking that influence and arriving at a psychological thriller with many layers and twists', while pointing out how difficult it was to make this film 'without falling into theatricality'.
The male protagonist, Jose Coronado, emphasised the satisfaction of playing his character during the three weeks of the shooting with his colleagues, Cecilia Suárez, Georgina Amorós and Diego Peretti. He praised the director's ability to involve the audience in the story and to follow every plot twist. At the same time, the director highlighted the acting level of the cast and the great surprise it was for him to meet Georgina Amorós during the casting process for the role of Adriana.
As for the visuals, the producer Álvaro Longoria acknowledged the special attention paid to the search for the location where the plot takes place, a key place to achieve the intrigue and mystery that runs throughout the film. Regarding the use of the typography for the credits and the design of the film's poster, by Marcos Torres, the director emphasised that he wanted to give the film a classic style. He wanted a global packaging that was necessary beyond the script and the story, in a clear reference to the great figures of classic film, such as Hitchcock.

‘Puntos suspensivos’ is a Morena Films production, with the participation of Prime Video and RTVE. Vértice 360 will be the national distributor and will be responsible for managing the cinema release.


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