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HomeNews | Current NewsThe voice, life and art of la Mari of Chambao makes the leap to the big screen

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02 March 2024
The voice, life and art of la Mari of Chambao makes the leap to the big screen
The Colombian director Carlos Zapata and the artist from Malaga presented a documentary at the Festival de Málaga that pays tribute to twenty years of music

In 2022 la Mari of Chambao celebrated twenty years of musical career. In 'Chambao. Twenty years in music', María del Mar Rodríguez, better known as la Mari de Chambao, opens up to her most intimate side, inviting us to taste a cocktail of sounds with a flamenco chill aroma. In this documentary, we not only see the most intimate side of Mari and her role as a woman in music and in the industry, but we also get to see a fantastic concert of her 20th Anniversary tour, in the bullring of Malaga, the city where she grew up.
As a result of the 'synchronicities' that happen in life, this documentary full of music was born. This is what the Colombian director Carlos Zapata, based in Malaga, assures us. ‘Mari's music connected me with love and happiness'. From that connection arose in him the need to reconnect with Malaga and the decision to leave Colombia and move to this city forever. ‘Her music has been the soundtrack of my integration in Spain', words of the filmmaker that moved Mari from Chambao, who has taken over to confess that the only thing she was thinking while watching this exclusive premiere of her documentary was 'Carlos, we've made it'.

The result of this joint work, which could be seen at the Teatro Echegaray as part of the Official Documentary Out-of-Competition Section of the 27th Festival de Málaga, came up as the idea to record some of the Malaga artist's concerts on her 2022 tour 'La Mari de Chambao XX Aniversario',  whose aim was to celebrate the two decades of her musical career. Zapata, however, was the one who proposed the idea of turning it into 'a dream' and thus highlighting the spirit and affection of those twenty years of music.

The singer's emotion was also felt by the audience, who took advantage of the discussion to thank her for her art and the documentary. Among other opinions, the testimony of a spectator who confessed that she had moved to Malaga thanks to the artist's music was captivating.

For eighty minutes she pays tribute to the art of la Mari de Chambao, but also to her family, childhood and career. ‘My favourite place in the world is between my father and my mother', she said emotionally, highlighting the importance that her family has had in the documentary and in her professional and personal life.

The singer, who is currently immersed in the tour of her latest album, which was presented last September, 'En la cresta del ahora', assured that inspiration comes at any time, not when you go looking for it. Last month, she also released a new song, 'Mañana', and let slip during the discussion that there will be news and that they will inform as soon as the documentary is available on any platform.


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