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HomeNews | Current NewsBenito Zambrano presents 'El Salto', a social thriller that denounces about sub-Saharan immigrants trying to reach Spain

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03 March 2024
Benito Zambrano presents 'El Salto', a social thriller that denounces about sub-Saharan immigrants trying to reach Spain
The latest proposal from the director from Seville will have its commercial premiere on the 12th of April

This Sunday, the Official Section Out of Competition hosted the latest film proposal by Benito Zambrano. With 'El Salto', the director responsible for titles such as 'Solas' and 'La Voz Dormida’ offers on this occasion a powerful social thriller that sheds light on the challenging reality of sub-Saharan immigrants, both because of the dangerous journey they begin towards Europe as in the fight for a decent life once they have managed to enter.

The script, co-written with Flora González Villanueva, tells the story of Ibrahim, a Guinean immigrant who lives with his family in Madrid. Arrested and deported for lacking a residence permit, his only goal is to return to Spain. After crossing Africa, he settles in an immigrant camp on the border between Africa and Europe, where he meets Aminata, a young woman determined to cross the fence that separates both continents.

With this premise, ‘El Salto' is presented in the form of a social complaint and in line with Zambrano's previous works, but this time in the suspense genre. The film, starring Moussa Sylla and Edith Martínez-Val, also features the participation of talented actors such as Nansi Nsue, Eric Nantchouang, Vicky Peña, Mariola Fuentes and Vicenta Ndongo.

In the discussion after the official presentation, Zambrano shared the challenges he faced in making the film, highlighting the importance of connecting with the audience and telling an authentic story. He has also revealed that the casting process was intense and time-consuming to find the perfect actors, while Sylla had to adapt to the linguistic needs of the role through a coach.

Regarding the essence of the story, the actress Edith Martínez-Val highlighted the importance of this film in making visible the reality that connects us with migrants. She emphasised that the lack of awareness about their situation is a central theme in the story. For his part, Moussa Sylla has stressed the idea that the elimination of borders would facilitate coexistence, regardless of race, colour or belief.

'El Salto' is an ambitious project produced by Cine365 Films Producciones Cinematografías y Virtual Contenidos and Castelao Pictures (Filmax), with the collaboration of Noodles Productions (France) and the financial support of ICAA - Ministry of Culture and Sports, Orange, Movistar Plus+, RTVE and Canal Sur. The film, which reflects a reality that has existed for more than 30 years, will be released commercially on the 12th of April by Filmax.


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