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HomeNews | Current NewsThe Festival presents the Biznagas awards for the sections Affirming Women's Rights and Women in Film

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06 March 2024
The Festival presents the Biznagas awards for the sections Affirming Women's Rights and Women in Film
The event, hosted by the actress and documentary maker Mabel Lozano, brought together the award winners at Cine Albéniz.

This Wednesday, the Malaga Festival held the awards ceremony for the 'Affirming Women's Rights' section, which this year celebrates its 17th edition. It was supported by its creator, documentary filmmaker Mabel Lozano, and the Department of Social Rights, Equality, Accessibility and Inclusive Policies. The event brought together the winners of the section, as well as the winners of the Women in Film, who also received their awards.

The opening ceremony was attended by the Mayor of Málaga, Francisco de la Torre; the Councillor for Social Rights, Diversity, Equality and Accessibility, Francisco Cantos; the Director of the Women's Institute, Isabel García; the Regional Minister for the Presidency, Public Administration and Equality of the Autonomous City of Melilla, Marta Fernández de Castro; the Deputy Regional Minister for Equality and Women's Affairs of the Autonomous City of Melilla, Fadwa Abelhadj, and the Director of the Málaga Festival, Juan Antonio Vigar.

The Cine Albéniz was the setting for this meeting, which highlighted the presence of women in the film industry and the role of cinema as a vehicle for raising awareness of the injustices and violence affecting women today. Likewise, the diversity and heterogeneous nature of the themes dealt with in the audiovisual projects has also been emphasised. This year, 300 national and international proposals have been submitted.

Award List of Women in Film Event

Biznaga de Plata Award for Best Fiction. Ex aequo:
SAMPO, directed by Marziyeh Riahi (Iran). The award was collected on his behalf by Shiva Shirani and presented by the councillor for Social Rights, Diversity, Equality and Accessibility, Francisco Cantos.

Biznaga de Plata Award for Best Fiction. Ex aequo:
Lava, directed by Carmen Jiménez (Spain). The award was collected on his behalf by Eduardo B. Muñoz, producer of the project, and presented by the director of the Malaga Festival, Juan Antonio Vigar.

Biznaga de Plata Award for Best Documentary:
'La ilusión de la abundancia', directed by Erika González Ramírez with Matthieu Lietaert (Colombia, Belgium). The award was collected on their behalf by screenwriter Laura Maetel.

Biznaga de Plata Audience Award:
'Amarradas', directed by Carmen Córdoba (Spain). The director has sent a thank-you video.

Malaga Women in Film Biznaga de Plata Award :
Ana de Alva, actress and director of 'Algo permanente'.  The award was collected by the winner and presented by the councillor for Social Rights, Diversity, Equality and Accessibility, Francisco Cantos

Award List of the 17th edition of AFFIRMING WOMEN’S RIGHTS 2024

First Biznaga de Plata Award of Affirming Women’s Rights to the fiction:
'No me dejes así', by Ceres Machado (Spain). The award was collected by the director of the Women's Institute, Isabel García Sánchez.
Biznaga de Plata Audience Award Affirming Women's Rights to the documentary:
'Camino Roya. Un mapa de ida y vuelta', by Rocío Rodríguez. The award was collected by its director and presented by the Festival director, Juan Antonio Vigar.

Biznaga de Plata Special Award Affirming Women's Rights to the documentary:
'La mujer ilustrada', directed by Isabel Herguera. The award was collected by Esther Cabero of Kimuak distribution company.


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