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HomeNews | Current NewsIn Hate Songs, director Alejo Levis chronicles the spread of hatred that preceded the Rwandan genocide

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06 March 2024
In Hate Songs, director Alejo Levis chronicles the spread of hatred that preceded the Rwandan genocide
His team presents a special screening of the film on the history of RTLM, known as the ‘hate radio’ station that incited the extermination of the Tutsi population

The 27th edition of the Festival de Málaga hosted the premiere of the Hate Songs film by the Barcelona director Alejo Levis at a special screening with its director and stars – Àlex Brendemühl, Nansi Nsue, Boré Buika – all in attendance. Together with the producer Ibon Cormenzana, they also took part in a discussion with the audience about the film.

Hate Songs travels back to Rwanda in the 1990s and tells the story of RTLM (Radio Télévision Libre des Mille Collines), known as the ‘hate radio’ station that called for the genocide of the Tutsi population that the African country suffered. This is the director’s third feature film, in which he aims to show 'how reconciliation is a real alternative to the wheel of revenge' in wartime conflicts. 

According to Levis, sound was key 'in re-enacting traumas and reawakening hidden memories'; so much so that his aim was for 'the sound to be seen, even in camera movement, to materialise the waves. That sound that is almost like a ghost'. For his part, actor Boré Buika said that the filming 'was quite an adventure, because there were some very tough sequences. It helped a lot that we were in the dark all day, and that claustrophobia contributed a lot to the film'. A reflection shared by the protagonist, Nansi Nsue, who pointed out that 'all these elements increased the intensity was later reflected in the characters'.

Regarding the importance of language and the linguistic work of the cast, actor Àlex Brendemühl said that 'each of us tried to reproduce the accent of our character and find a balance. In my case, for example, I was a Belgian who had been in Rwanda for 20 years'. 

To conclude, the film’s producer, Ibon Cormenzana, stated that in the end the aim of the film is 'to tell the story and make it known to the general public, because these are projects that contribute and serve a purpose'.



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