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HomeNews | Current NewsThe short films of the Official Section Out Of Competition have been presented at the Centro cultural María Victoria Atencia

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07 March 2024
The short films of the Official Section Out Of Competition have been presented at the Centro cultural María Victoria Atencia
A total of 9 short films were screened in a unique program

.- The Out-of-Competition short films were presented this Thursday at the 27th Festival de Málaga, with the screening of a unique program at the centro cultural María Victoria Atencia. A total of 9 short films were screened. The directors of the short films took the stage to make a brief presentation of each of their works in front of a crowded room.

A conversation in a cafe after confinement, a story of grief after the death of a family member, a satire of art, a tragedy on a hot summer day or an everyday object that reveals a hidden beauty. These are some of the stories that take part in the Official Short Film Section Out of Competition of the 27th Festival de Malaga.

Sara Sálamo, Natalia de Molina or Itziar Castro are just some of the names we have been able to find in the short films, both in front of and behind the camera.

Unique program:
  • ‘Cuarentena’, by Celia de Molina.
  • ‘Los armarios no se vacían solos’, by Paula Labordeta.
  • ‘El último baile’, by Carlos Mures Cañete.
  • ‘Isla sin techo’, by Sebastián Feldman.
  • ‘No estás loca’, by María Bestar.
  • ‘Obra de arte’, by Rafael Nieto.
  • ‘Evanescente’, by Gala Gracia and Guillermo Garavito Amado.
  • ‘La manzana’, by Sara Sálamo.
  • ‘La gran obra’, by Álex Lora.


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