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HomeNews | Current NewsMiguel Olid defends the career of the Sevillian filmmaker in the documentary ‘Summers el rebelde’

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07 March 2024
Miguel Olid defends the career of the Sevillian filmmaker in the documentary ‘Summers el rebelde’
The documentary is a tribute to the filmmaker and to discover all the facets of the author of ‘Del rosa al amarillo’

Miguel Olid has been researching the work of Manolo Summers for years, specifically since 2016. Eight years later, he has presented at the Festival de Málaga, in the Official Documentary Out of Competition section, his feature film entitled ‘Summers el rebelde’, which is the result of years of documentation, interviews and shooting.

Now the filmmaker arrives at the Festival de Málaga with producers Eduardo Zafra and Olmo Figueredo to present his latest documentary ‘Summers el rebelde’ to a crowded Teatro Echegaray. 'I'm happy to see that the title is clearly visible and that you didn't come here by mistake,' joked the director. 'This may be the first time that someone has paid to see something of mine, so thank you very much’. The tone of humour was the keynote of the presentation of the documentary: ‘Director from Seville with a film supported by the Huelva Provincial Council and premiering in Malaga. Completely Andalusian', he said.

During the eighty-two minutes of the feature film, an exhaustive overview of the work of Manolo Summers is shown, a great work of documentation that includes funds from seven different archives and fragments of up to eighteen films by the honoured filmmaker.

The script, also by Miguel Olid, made the audience laugh at the Teatro Echegaray, who applauded the film and enjoyed the discussion after the screening, presented by Casimiro Torreiro. The producers Eduardo Zafra and Olmo Figueredo also took part in the discussion.

Manolo Summers was a film director and comedian and the great revelation of Spanish film. He won the Silver Shell for best director with his debut feature film ‘Del rosa... al amarillo’ and continued his film career being both applauded and censored. Thanks to the documentary ‘Summers el rebelde’ we can get to know all the filmmaker's facets better.

Olid holds a PhD Cum Laude in Audiovisual Communication, specialising in Film History, and his life has always been closely linked to the world of film. He is the author of several books on Spanish and Latin American film and has written for more than thirty years in the press (ABC, ABC Cultural, El País, Babelia, El País Semanal, Cinemanía and La Razón, among many other media). As a populariser, he has given numerous lectures on film at universities in the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, Holland, Portugal, Ireland and the Philippines. His filmography includes ‘Sobrevivir a un hijo’ (documentary, 2003), ‘Trabajando con la muerte’ (documentary, 2002), ‘Queda demostrado’ (short film, 1997), ‘Delirios y mentiras’ (short film, 1994) and ‘La última respuesta’ (short film, 1991).


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