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HomeNews | Current NewsThe Malaga Film School emphasises the value of its students at its annual gala at the Festival

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08 March 2024
The Malaga Film School emphasises the value of its students at its annual gala at the Festival
Juan Antonio Vigar has motivated the students to put dedication and effort into their work in a sector in which they have to be the main characters.

Just like with every edition of the Malaga Festival, the Malaga Film School held its annual gala this afternoon at Cine Albéniz. It was an event led by Javier Carballo and attended by the Festival director, Juan Antonio Vigar, the director of the Malaga Film School, Elena Martínez, as well as students from the school.

'As personal advice, you should recognise the abilities you have, try to achieve things with them and demonstrate your worth while holding on to humility and continuing to learn from others,' explained Vigar by way of introduction to the event, for which has led the students of a Malaga Film School, highlighting its important role in the city’s audiovisual industry.

On the other hand, the director of the contest has indicated how proud he is of the Festival and the Malaga Film School working together, since it 'creates the true protagonists of this era’. Furthermore, he has highlighted the importance of the work and dedication of an audiovisual sector that is 'not particularly strong from an industrial point of view'.

After the event presentation, screening and viewing of the sixth season of 'Hazte un Akemarropa', the pilot episode of 'Cuidado que paso', as well as the trailer of the new footage 'Nini', took place. After the event presentation, there was a screening of the film 'People Fuck You Know' and various other short films, filmed by the school's own students.


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