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HomeNews | Current NewsScience fiction floods the Official Section Out of Competition with 'Invasión', the latest feature film by David Martín-Porras

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08 March 2024
Science fiction floods the Official Section Out of Competition with 'Invasión', the latest feature film by David Martín-Porras
Three parallel stories in a futuristic Spain with alien invasions are the main plot of the film, which will be released on the 28th of June.

On the last day of screenings in the Official Section out of competition, David Martín-Porras presented 'Invasión', a story of an alien invasion that has subdued the Earth in the form of an epic drama set in a futuristic Spain. The Salamanca-born director's sixth feature film is also his second film adaptation of a play by Guillem Clua.
Produced by Eduardo Campoy and with science fiction touches, the plot presents three intertwined stories that create a vision of youth and war narrated by seven characters who try to survive the difficulties through love as an antidote to a world gone mad. María Adánez, Álvaro Rico, Fran Belenguer, Claudia Salas, Andrés Gertrúdix, Nourdín Batán, Sofía Oria, Carlos Fuentes and Marga Arnau form part of the leading cast in a story of survival in the longest night of their lives.
During the discussion following the official screening of Martín-Porras' latest work, the starting point of the project, which is based on the theatrical adaptation of a play by Guillem Clua, was presented. In the words of the director, 'Invasión' is 'an invitation to accept others'.

In a dystopian future, 'Invasión' tells the story of an alien invasion that has subdued the Earth, where two prisoners (Claudia Salas and Álvaro Rico) from opposing sides locked in a cell, three soldiers from the Spanish army who are refugees in a factory and a married couple of scientists (María Adánez and Andrés Gertrudix) alone with an alien prisoner, must learn to trust the enemy to survive 'the longest night of their lives'.

For the actress María Adánez, her role has been one of the best moments in her acting career, 'with the risk of a script from a theatre adaptation but with delightful incentives for the actors'. Claudia Salas recalled the experience of filming with the rest of her colleagues as 'a short but very intense journey'. Carlos Fuentes said what a great opportunity it was for him to work with Martín-Porras, while Fran Berenguer regretted the short shooting time he had with his colleagues, who filmed on different days.

The producer, Eduardo Campoy, stated that he was interested in the film's script from the beginning 'because of the reflection it makes you think about war, which is unfortunately so topical nowadays'. The production, by Álamo Producciones Audiovisuales, Álamo Audiovisual 14 and A Contracorriente Films, is scheduled to be released in commercial cinemas on the 28th of June.


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