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HomeNews | Current NewsMaggie Civantos and Diego Domínguez receive the Solidarity Award for the Most Magical Couple at the Malaga Festival

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08 March 2024
Maggie Civantos and Diego Domínguez receive the Solidarity Award for the Most Magical Couple at the Malaga Festival
HALLOWEEN Perfumes ha entregado el Premio Solidario a la “Pareja Más Mágica del Festival de Cine de Málaga” a beneficio de la ONG Idea Libre. Los actores Maggie Civantos y Diego Domínguez recibieron el premio de la mano de Laura Escribano, Brand Manager de la marca en el Hotel Larios.

HALLOWEEN Perfumes has presented the Solidarity Award to the 'Most Magical Couple of the Malaga Festival' for the NGO Idea Libre. Actors Maggie Civantos and Diego Domínguez received the award from Laura Escribano, Brand Manager of the brand at Hotel Larios.

The director of the Malaga Festival, Juan Antonio Vigar, presided over the event and emphasised that 'film is an explosion of feelings that impact our senses, perfumes are part of these sensory experiences that make us enjoy'.

Laura Escribano stressed that the Malaga Festival and HALLOWEEN Perfumes have many things in common: 'The Festival celebrates its 27th edition this year, and HALLOWEEN has just celebrated its 27th anniversary; the Festival praises, contributes and works for Spanish film to make it relevant in Spain and internationally, and HALLOWEEN Perfumes is a 100% Spanish brand with a presence in more than 70 countries. Working with film, the Festival has a lot to do with magic, and magic for HALLOWEEN is one of the core values present in the brand's DNA'.

The charisma of Maggie Civantos and Diego Domíngue's acting and the magic they show on screen, moves and inspires others. These are the qualities that win over the audience, and which HALLOWEEN Perfumes rewards.

The donation of 5,000 euros will be used by the NGO Idea Libre to build a library so that children can have a suitable space to study and have access to a games room with stories and books for children and adults, so that adults can also learn to read.

HALLOWEEN Perfumes invites us to reveal our inner glow and magic to the world.

About HALLOWEEN Perfumes

HALLOWEEN EDT, the perfume of seduction and romanticism, arrived in the world of selective perfumery in 1997. Its amphora-shaped bottle was dressed in mauve, a revolutionary colour at the time, and with which it made history. It became an intergenerational icon that, after 25 years, continues to seduce its first fans and win over new generations.

HALLOWEEN was born as a fragrance, but has become a brand of perfumes that with its different creations captivates women and men on all five continents. HALLOWEEEN evokes magic and mystery, inviting us to make our dreams come true. It brings us closer to magic. The one we carry inside each one of us. It invites us to believe in it and make it visible.

About Idea Libre

Idea Libre was founded by actress Sandra Blázquez and her partner María in 2014. It was in Chumvi (one of the most deserted areas of Kenya) in 2015, where she created the Wazo Huru School, a school attended by 336 children, which currently has 13 classrooms and 33 people working in it. The Wazo Huru Home is a home for 29 orphan children who are cared for by 7 people, and where they are provided with daily food, medical care and lots of love.


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