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HomeNews | Current NewsThe Princess of Asturias Foundation presents the documentary ‘Carmen y María. Dos caminos y una mirada', dedicated to the winners of the 2022 Award for the Arts

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08 March 2024
The Princess of Asturias Foundation presents the documentary ‘Carmen y María. Dos caminos y una mirada', dedicated to the winners of the 2022 Award for the Arts
The screening was attended, among others, by the two main characters, the flamenco singer Carmen Linares and the flamenco dancer María Pagés

The documentary ‘Carmen and María. “Dos caminos y una mirada” was presented to a crowded Teatro Echegaray on Friday, the 8th of March. The Princess of Asturias Foundation, an institution whose goals are to contribute to the promotion and celebration of all scientific, cultural and humanistic values that are universal heritage, awarded the Princess of Asturias Award for the Arts in 2022 to the flamenco singer Carmen Linares and the flamenco dancer María Pagés.

For this occasion, the two prize-winners performed together again twenty-five years after the last time they did so, and for this purpose they devised the flamenco show ‘Carmen y María. Dos caminos y una mirada’. The documentary, filmed during rehearsals and during their participation in the activities organised by the Princess of Asturias Foundation, reflects their personal vision of the art of flamenco.

The documentary was presented by the Festival director, Juan Antonio Vigar, who wanted to take the opportunity to state that the relationship that has been established with the Princess of Asturias Foundation is very significant and special for the Festival: ‘From this point, we can only congratulate your initiative and say that, if more opportunities arise in the future, we will be delighted to listen to them’.

Teresa Sanjurjo, director of the Princess of Asturias Foundation, took the floor to accept Vigar's proposal. 'We have a very good memory,' she joked. 'I say this because of the offer you have made’. And she stressed, as a representative of the Foundation, that, in the moments leading up to the screening, they feel two emotions, joy and gratitude. 'Joy because in 2022 they received the Prize for the Arts, which highlights the importance of flamenco’.

Something that the main characters of the evening also wanted to emphasise. 'Receiving the award was a recognition of flamenco. The award served to balance the recognition of an art form with the one that most represents us outside Spain', said María Pagés.

Carmen Linares, on the other hand, reminded us that flamenco is on the big stages and that it was necessary to take it to the big screen: ‘Our experience remains there forever and reflects very deeply what it is like every day behind flamenco. It reflects two women fighters working to take flamenco as far as possible’.
'Carmen and María. Dos caminos y una mirada' is the documentary film that captures the days spent in Oviedo by the flamenco singer Carmen Linares and the flamenco dancer María Pagés, Princess of Asturias Award for the Arts in 2022, and especially the show they offered the night before the award ceremony.


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