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HomeNews | Current NewsThe director Marcelo Piñeyro receives the Retrospectiva - Málaga Hoy Award in recognition of his career

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08 March 2024
The director Marcelo Piñeyro receives the Retrospectiva - Málaga Hoy Award in recognition of his career
The Argentinean filmmaker has made such critically and public acclaimed films as 'Tango feroz' and 'Kamchatka'.

The director Marcelo Piñeyro has received this Friday the Retrospective Award - Málaga Hoy of the 27th Malaga Festival. It is awarded in collaboration with the Malaga newspaper, in recognition of his long career in the world of film, with such successful works as 'Tango feroz', 'Plata quemada', 'Kamchatka' or 'El método'.
In a gala hosted by the host Celia Bermejo, a review of the director's career was made: from his debut with 'Tango feroz' to the Netflix series 'El reino', his career has been marked by blockbusters and good reviews. 'Caballo salvaje' and 'Plata quemada' are good examples of this. He has always known how to use events from his country's history in a very intelligent way to tell his plots. And he has not only connected with Argentine audiences, but also with Spanish audiences and those of many other countries.
Some of his team and friends wanted to be present on stage to show their support for the director. The photography director Alfredo Mayo, the director and producer Gerardo Herrero, the vice-president of content for Latin America at Netflix, Francisco Ramos, the actor Joaquín Furriel and the writer Claudia Piñeiro.
They all agreed on Piñeyro's value, both personally and professionally: 'I remember when I was in high school, the word spread that you had to go and see 'Tango feroz'. 15 of us friends organised to go to the capital and watch it at the cinema. It's a generational story, with moments to remember. I am immensely grateful to have lived with a creator and artist like Marcelo. His films have changed the lives of many generations forever. Thank you, Marcelo', said actor Joaquín Furriel, star of the director's latest hit, the series 'El reino'.
After receiving all the love, Marcelo Piñeyro went on stage to collect the award from Claudia Piñeiro: 'First of all, I would like to thank the Festival for having thought of me for this award. When I found out who had received this award previously, I realised how valuable it is. Looking back over the nominations, I recognise that I am very lucky to have met so many wonderful people: film and theatre teachers, screenwriters, photography directors, producers, actors and countless others who have made my films shine. Thank you all very much', ended a moved Piñeyro to applause.


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