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HomeNews | Current NewsThe Festival de Málaga pays tribute to cult B-series cinema in Underground Andaluz

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08 March 2024
The Festival de Málaga pays tribute to cult B-series cinema in Underground Andaluz
The Cine Albéniz hosted the screening of the films 'Kárate a muerte en Torremolinos' and 'La furia de Mackenzie' in this new section of the contest

The Andalusian Underground section, one of the new proposals of this 27th edition of the Festival de Málaga curated by filmmaker Alberto Rodríguez, featured its protagonists in a round table full of humour in which Andalusian films shot on the margins of the film industry were highlighted. ‘Kárate a muerte en Torremolinos’ and ‘La furia de Mackenzie’ were the two feature films featured on the day, which was attended by the Festival director, Juan Antonio Vigar.

The director Pedro Temboury, the screenwriter Paco Campano, the producers Tomás Cimadevilla and Gervasio Iglesias, the director Santi Amodeo and the filmmaker Alberto Rodríguez centred the colloquium that brought together numerous fans of B-series cinema that claims kitsch elements from the 70s. ' We make films to entertain others, but we also have fun filming,' the section's curator, Miguel Ángel Oeste, began the meeting. Following him, after the screening of his film, 'Kárate a muerte en Torremolinos', Temboury stressed that: 'It has been a joy to see it again on the big screen and how lucky we are that people continue to laugh at the jokes. The movie is still alive.

The filmmaker recalled his first steps with Jesús Franco: 'We come from a school in which we were taught to make films for three five-peseta coins and, above all, to have fun doing it with our classmates.' In this sense, Paco Campano, who directed 'La furia de Mackenzie' alongside Félix Caña and José Luis Reinoso, pointed out that these types of projects are 'to be shared and viewed in groups' with fans or lovers of B-movie films.

The meeting concluded with the promise of a sequel to the character of the monster Jocántaro, who appears in 'Kárate a muerte en Torremolinos', a film that is soon to celebrate its 25th anniversary. 



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