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HomeNews | Current NewsJoaquín Mazón closes the Official Section with 'La Familia Benetón', a family comedy starring Leo Harlem about family diversity and multiculturalism

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09 March 2024
Joaquín Mazón closes the Official Section with 'La Familia Benetón', a family comedy starring Leo Harlem about family diversity and multiculturalism
Director Joaquín Mazón closed the Official Section with his feature film 'La familia Benetón', a family comedy that addresses 'current issues such as the diversity of families, cultural differences an

At a press conference, Mazón stated that it is 'a fun, silly, sensitive film, with heart and values.' This premise is what also defines the work of its protagonist, the actor and comedian Leo Harlem, and the actor and rapper El Langui, who, in addition to being part of the cast, has also composed the film’s main theme song.

El Langui highlighted that it was very necessary to normalise disability in the working world and in everyday life. He considers that this topic is going to be key to awakening the empathy within the younger public and to transmit very necessary values such as respect for anything that may be considered different.

Harlem finds the film crucial to bringing cinema closer to children. He considers this the ideal opportunity for the little ones to experience watching a movie in a cinema for the first time.

Curro Velázquez and Benjamín Herranz signed off the script that, according to Mazón, took them two years to develop. Both already worked together in the series 'Donde comen dos' and with extensive experience in other projects such as 'El chiringuito de Pepe' or 'Reyes contra Santa', they come together again following the successful productions such as 'Padre no hay más que uno' or 'Como Dios manda'.

The director also finds the message of integration essential, how we learn to respect and have an open mind through children. 'It is in fact the little ones who end up teaching adults to be more inclusive,' he highlighted.

The main plot of 'La Familia Benetón' focuses on the story of Toni, a bachelor in his fifties who must face an unexpected turn when his sister dies and he becomes the temporary guardian of the five adopted children overnight. Leo Harlem plays the leading role in this story that explores the challenges of fatherhood in a modern world and the cultural differences that he must face.

This family comedy is produced by Atresmedia and has a cast led by children Alí Dia, Diego Montejo, Gala Bichir, Melin Chen and Kamsiyochi Ngene, as well as Harlem and El Langui. Regarding the little ones, the filmmaker indicated that they have taught the rest of the team to work in a fun way in a shoot that took place for six weeks.


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