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HomeNews | Current NewsShowers of awards and confetti at the awards ceremony for ZonaZine, Short Films, Documentaries, Mosaic and other unofficial awards

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09 March 2024
Showers of awards and confetti at the awards ceremony for ZonaZine, Short Films, Documentaries, Mosaic and other unofficial awards
The gala took place on the last day of the 27th edition of the Festival de Málaga at the Cine Albéniz, presented by the actor Salva Reina and the actress Noemí Ruiz

The actors Salva Reina and Noemí Ruiz presented the awards ceremony for ZonaZine, Short Films, Documentaries, Mosaico and other unofficial awards. The gala took place at the Cine Albéniz and stood out for its shower of awards and, above all, confetti.

The press and other attendees at the gala gathered in the afternoon for the awards ceremony.

With lots of humour and the desire to spread it all round the room, the hosts of the ceremony called the winners to the stage and invited them to celebrate the triumph with confetti, and lots of it. The award began with the 'most risky, innovative and suggestive' section, in the words of Noemí Ruiz on ZonaZine, and continued with all the other unofficial awards of the Festival.

None of the winners missed the opportunity to grab a handful of confetti and throw it over their head. The movie screen where Jorge Sánchez-Cabezudo's gratitude video was projected for his Silver Biznaga Audience Award for his series 'Nos vemos en otra vida' even got covered in confetti.

There was also confetti for the cast of 'Orgullo Vieja' when Chema Rodríguez went on stage to collect the Silver Biznaga Audience Award for Best Film from ZonaZine in the middle of a video call with the protagonists, at who did not hesitate to put on the microphone.

All the confetti and applause even excited Emilio Fonseca's pet, wagging its tail non-stop while the director gave his thanks speech when collecting the Silver Biznaga for Best Documentary for his documentary 'Salvaxe, salvaxe'.

The award ceremony concluded with the Silver Biznaga for Best Fiction Short Film for 'El Trono', by Lucía Jiménez, who went up to receive it with Arturo Valls, Félix Tusell and Carmela Martínez Oliart.

A day in which it has been possible to vindicate culture, recognise and value cinema and all those who make up the industry, and in which it has become clear that there are many people and agents who make it possible for film projects to go ahead to tell necessary and relevant stories that should never be forgotten.



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