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HomeNews | Current NewsThe Festival de Málaga calls for applications for its 28th edition, to be held from the 14th to the 23rd of March 2025

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20 May 2024
The Festival de Málaga calls for applications for its 28th edition, to be held from the 14th to the 23rd of March 2025
The deadline for documentaries, short films and Cinema Cocina is the 15th of November, and the deadline for feature films in the Official Section and Zonazine is the 22nd of December

The Festival de Málaga, organised by Málaga City Council through the company Málaga Procultura, opens today the registration period for films wishing to participate in its 28th edition, to be held from the 14th to the 23rd of March 2025. All the rules of participation can be found on the Festival's website and registration must be made through the Festhome platform.
The official competition of the 28th edition is open to feature films produced in Spain and throughout Latin America, including Portugal and Brazil, both in the Official Section for feature films, ZonaZine, Documentaries, Cinema Cocina and Documentary Short films. The Fiction Short Film section is restricted to Spanish productions, divided into: Official Fiction or Animation Short Films Section and Official Malaga Short Films Section (for those born or resident in Malaga or whose production company is based in the province of Malaga).
As for the awards in the different categories, in the Official Section, two Golden Biznagas will be awarded to the best Spanish and Ibero-American film, each with a prize of 8,000 euros. In ZonaZine there will also be two Biznagas for Best Film, each with a prize of 4,000 euros, while in Documentary there will be a prize of 4,000 euros. In Cinema Cocina there is a prize for the best feature film, worth 4,000 euros, and another for the best short film, worth 2,000 euros.
The Silver Biznagas in the Official Fiction Short Film Section, the Best Documentary Short Film and the Best Animazine Short Film will be awarded 2,000 euros. In the Malaga Short Films Section, two Silver Biznagas will be awarded to the best fiction short film and to the best documentary, animation or experimental short film, both with 1,000 euros.
In the Mosaico Panorama International section, there will be an Audience Award of 8,000 euros for the distributor in Spain of the most voted feature film in the section.
Applications must be submitted before the following dates: the 15th of November 2024 for feature documentaries, fiction, animation and documentary short films, and feature and short films in Cinema Cocina, and the 22nd of December 2024 for feature films in the Official section and ZonaZine.


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