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03 June 2024
Co-responsibility in the Audiovisual Media Industry Conference

On the 7th and 8th of June, the Department of Equality of Malaga City Council is organising a conference to discuss co-responsibility in the film and audiovisual industry. A reflection on sustainability in the industry beyond the green concept. Being sustainable means applying business practices that respect not only the environment, but also human and labour rights that contribute to the welfare of communities. Focusing on work-life balance, gender equality and inclusion.

In the case of women filmmakers, the institutional policies that have been applied in the last decade have allowed their inclusion in the industry to increase and to add other perspectives to the content of the works and to the continents of production.

The special conditions of film work in different locations and at different times make co-responsibility between those involved - public agencies, production companies, trade unions and families - essential.

On Friday, the 7th of June in the morning, at the Cine Albéniz, we will be holding a cineforum with the film ‘À Plein temps (’A tiempo completo') by Eric Gravel. In it Julie, the main character, makes a giant effort to bring up her two children in the suburbs of Paris and at the same time keep her job. Afterwards, we will debate with the writer and communicator Coral Herrera. Free admission until full capacity is reached.

In the afternoon, in the auditorium of the Thyssen Museum, Merry Colomer, executive producer of Morena Films (Campeonex, Cerdita, En los márgenes), will explain how they have worked in-house on work-life balance during filming, so that the parents of the technical crew can reconcile raising their children while filming for several weeks away from home. Presented by the producer from Malaga, Montse Ogalla.

This will be followed by the first round table, with professionals from the industry and festival directors, who will discuss the activities they carry out to work on co-responsibility in their areas. The speakers will include actress Adelfa Calvo, the creator and director of COOFILM, Gabriela Garcés, producer Marta Alamillo, director of The Flow Studio, the director of the Seville European Film Festival, Manuel Cristobal, and the director of the Malaga Festival, Juan Antonio Vigar. The round table will be moderated by María Guerra, journalist and director of the programme La Script.

At Saturday's round table, we want to learn how the institutions that manage production grants, sectoral organisations and content broadcasters approach co-responsibility. We aim to know what support and incentives are planned for professionals and families with dependents to reconcile work and family life. This round table will be attended by a representative of the Andalusian Agency for Cultural Institutions of the Junta de Andalucía, the general director of RTVA, Juan de Dios Mellado, a representative of SGAE, the president of the Andalusian Association of Women in Audiovisual Media, AAMMA, Agus Jiménez, and the general secretary of ANCINE, the Andalusian Association of Women Film Producers, Belén Pérez. This round table will be moderated by the journalist and producer Inés Romero.

During these two days, three panels will be set up in the auditorium hall of the Thyssen Museum Málaga, where visitors will be able to participate by answering questions about the needs of work-life balance and co-responsibility in their environment.

At the end of this round table, the journalist, director and scriptwriter Mariola Olcina will report on the conference.

The conference will conclude with a monologue by the Malaga-born comedian Paloma Lirola.

This activity is part of the Málaga Corresponsable campaign that the city council has been developing during 2024 to raise awareness among the population of Málaga of the need for real co-responsibility.


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