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HomeNews | Current NewsCall for submissions for Spanish Screenings on Tour 2024, which will be held at the American Film Market of Las Vegas from 5th to 10th November

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31 July 2024
Call for submissions for Spanish Screenings on Tour 2024, which will be held at the American Film Market of Las Vegas from 5th to 10th November
The deadline for registration for the selection of projects and companies is the 30th of August

Spanish Screenings on Tour is one of the pillars of Spanish Screenings XXL and is part of the Plan for Recovery, Transformation and Resilience (PRTR) geared at reinforcing Spain’s role as Audiovisual Hub of Europa

The third edition of Spanish Screenings on Tour will be held in the US at Las Vegas, within the framework of the American Film Market, which will take place from the 5th to the 10th of November. The deadline for the call for Market Screenings and Next from Spain is the 20th of August, and the deadline for registration of projects and companies is  the 30th of August.

Spanish Screenings on Tour is one of the lines of work of ‘Spanish Screenings XXL – An International Market for Spanish Audiovisual Productions’, which aims to enhance business opportunities and open up new ones for the audiovisual industry at the international level.  With this objective in mind, it carries out itinerant actions to promote sales and the industry in strategic territories.   

The initiative is part of the Plan for Recovery, Transformation and Resilience (PRTR) to reinforce the role of Spain as Audiovisual Hub of Europe, and is inspired by the Ministry of Culture through ICAA [National Institute of Cinema and Audiovisual Arts], the Ministry for Digital Transformation and Public Administration through ICEX España Exportación e Inversiones, the Malaga Film Festival and the San Sebastian Film Festival. Its transversal concepts are equality, diversity, transparency and sustainability.

American Film Market (AFM) is one of the principal global events for film acquisition, development and networking at which more than 1 billion dollars in distribution and film financing deals are closed each year, for both completed films and those at every stage of development. Thousands of professionals from all corners of the audiovisual industry come together every year at AFM to develop, showcase, discover, finance and license thousands of independent films and projects destined for global audiences.

Hence, with the slogan ‘Spanish Audiovisual: Creativity, Diversity and Success’, Spanish Screenings on Tour 2024 will foster the prominent presence of the Spanish audiovisual industry in one of the world’s strategic markets before international buyers, sales agents, decision makers, investors, festival programmers, producers and the industry’s most outstanding key players. A unique opportunity which is geared at enhancing the internationalisation of all the genres and formats of Spanish audiovisuals, in different stages of development and production.  

The activities carried out at the AMERICAN FILM MARKET will be grouped into six categories:
  • Spanish Animation Showcase: call for Spanish animation projects, whether feature films or series in the last stage of financing.
  • Spanish Fantastic Showcase: call for Spanish feature films or series (real image) projects of the fantastic, science fiction and terror genres that are in the last stage of financing.
  • Spanish Remakes Showcase:  Event devoted to this sales format for Spanish audiovisuals, which is currently booming. Open to prominent international professionals accredited at AFM.
  • Spanish Producers Showcase: presentation of a selection of companies with a proven record in the market and ample experience at the international level.
  • Market Screenings: space created by AFM for screenings of Spanish productions. These exclusive sessions offer sales agents a strategic opportunity to exhibit new films and present them to international buyers. Detailed Call for submissions and Registrations through the ICEX website.
  • Next from Spain: within the framework of AFM, Spanish sales agents will be able to present screenings of trailers and teasers of their films in production planned for release in 2025. Detailed Call for submissions and Registrations through the ICEX website.
Likewise, Spanish Screenings on Tour will provide the Spanish industry with an exclusive area in which to hold business meetings and foster networking activities.
The platform will also have a space to give greater visibility to the films, series and projects selected in Spanish Screenings on Tour.

The Calls for the selection of content of Spanish Screenings on Tour at AFM 2024 are organized through the MAFIZ industry area of the Malaga Film Festival ( and  ICEX España Exportación e Inversiones (

Spanish Screenings on Tour 2022 was held at Ventana Sur (Buenos Aires, Argentina), Latin America’s most important audiovisual content market, whereas the last edition was held in October 2023 at MIA | Mercato Internazionale Audiovisivo (Rome).
For more information:


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