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HomeNews | Current NewsFestival de Málaga officially opens the call for MAFF 2025, a co-production event of the MAFIZ Industry area

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18 September 2024
Festival de Málaga officially opens the call for MAFF 2025, a co-production event of the MAFIZ Industry area
The deadline for registration of projects for this year's edition, which will take place from the 17th to the 21st of March at the 28th Festival de Málaga, is the 11th of November

The Festival de Málaga launches today the call for MAFF (Festival de Málaga Fund & Co Production Event), an event that is part of the MAFIZ (Festival de Málaga Industry Zone) and will be held from the 17th to the 21st of March 2025 as part of the 28th Festival de Málaga.
MAFF is organised by Malaga City Council through the Festival de Málaga in collaboration with the ICAA (Spanish Institute of Cinematography and Visual Arts), CAACI (Conference of Ibero-American Audiovisual and Cinematographic Authorities), IBERMEDIA, FIPCA (Ibero-American Federation of Film and Audiovisual Producers) and EAVE (European Audiovisual Entrepreneurs).
Projects can be submitted online until 11 November 2024 via the MAFIZ website. The announcement of the selected projects will be made at Ventana Sur 2024 (Montevideo, Uruguay).
MAFF is conceived as a space for communication that encourages dialogue between Latin American and European feature film producers, in a co-production and market meeting. It is a scenario that encourages the artistic growth of projects, international co-production, networking and increases their chances of financing. MAFF brings together, in an unprecedented way, the main international co-production financing funds that exist on an international level in a single place, Malaga.
MAFF, which celebrates its eighth edition in 2025, has as its goals
  • Selecting, guiding and providing creative, economic and financial advice to generate viable, quality audiovisual projects that facilitate their insertion in the global market and thus contribute to the internationalisation of the projects.
  • To provide personalised training and coaching to producers and directors, under the needs of the teams that make up the selected projects, with the aim of acquiring tools that will be used in the face-to-face business meetings in the city of Malaga. 
  • To promote innovation in business and production models for new feature films with international co-production potential, for subsequent distribution and commercialisation in different markets and through different modalities.
  • To be the communication and networking platform of reference, where sector professionals can meet and get to know the projects that are being developed at an early stage.
  • To generate spaces for reflection, debate and discussion on the issues that are developed in the global audiovisual ecosystem and that affect the projects that form part of the MAFF catalogue. 
  • Insert new players in the Ibero-American audiovisual industry and create new content in dialogue with audiences: new and diverse audiences that are part of our ever-growing audiovisual activity.
The projects selected for MAFF 2024 will be eligible for the following awards:
  • Bolivia Lab Industry Award, to participate in the production laboratory to be held in July 2025 in the city of Santa Cruz, Bolivia.
  • Cántico Producciones Awards: Three prizes will be awarded to three projects participating in MAFF. 
    • First Prize: 10 minutes of original music, worth 6,400 €, for a project of fiction or a documentary, preferably from Central America or the Caribbean, participating in MAFF.
    • Second Prize: Original music and audio post-production for a trailer or teaser of up to 2 minutes, worth 3,400€, for a project of fiction or documentary participating in the MAFF Women Industry section. 
    • Third Prize: Teaser, original music and post-production, worth 3,400€, for a project participating in Maff.
  • Acorde / Music Library: three prizes will be awarded to three MAFF projects (one project from Latin America, one project from Ibero-America and one project from the Women Screen Industry section), consisting of a cash prize of 300 euros, as well as a flat rate for a production valued at 295 euros.
  • SANFIC: Santiago International Film Festival: SANFIC Industry Award to participate in the production lab to be held in August 2025 in Santiago de Chile.
  • SIDERAL: will select a winning project from among all the MAFF projects, which will be offered a prize of 5,000 euros as a guaranteed minimum for the international distribution of the winning project
  • FIDBA - Buenos Aires International Documentary Film Festival: direct selection of a MAFF project to participate in FIDBA 2025.


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