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HomeNews | Current NewsFestival de Málaga and the ALMA trade union collaborate to promote the presence of scriptwriters and broadcast their profession

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19 September 2024
Festival de Málaga and the ALMA trade union collaborate to promote the presence of scriptwriters and broadcast their profession
Both entities have signed an agreement with the aim of contributing to the well-deserved acknowledgment of this profession in the film industry

Festival de Málaga and the scriptwriters’ trade union, ALMA, have signed a pioneering collaboration agreement with the aim of working together to accomplish that scriptwriters receive the acknowledgment they deserve in the Spanish film industry. The Director of the Festival de Málaga, Juan Antonio Vigar, and the trade union’s secretary, Carlos Muriana, attended the signing of the agreement at the Festival’s headquarters at Teatro Cervantes.
This is a commitment to support the group of scriptwriters that supports the collaboration that both entities have established since 2022. The aim is to promote the presence of screenwriters at the Festival de Málaga.
Thus, the Malaga Festival and ALMA undertake to work to ensure that the information on the scriptwriters of works in the different sections of the Festival, of any audiovisual genre, appears appropriately and accurately in the Festival's information media. ALMA undertakes to complete and promote this information and thus broaden the scope of the Festival's own publications. In the case of fiction TV series, their scriptwriters will be highlighted as the main artistic figure, whether they appear under the credit ‘Created by’ or when they have been assigned, in addition to the script credit, an executive production credit.
The Festival will raise awareness among the production companies about the importance of scriptwriters being among the crew members during the film’s presentations and, if applicable, during the presentation of the TV series participating in the Festival, suggesting their presence at the press conferences. Meanwhile, ALMA will also contribute to ensuring the scriptwriters’ presence during the presentations of their projects.
In the agreement, ALMA agrees to pay attention, along with the Festival de Málaga, to provide to any scriptwriter the information available for optimising their participation in the different sections and activities of the festival and their audiovisual market. They also agree to undertake a communication action with production companies and platforms to support the presence and visibility of the profession


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